Rules of life: Pavel Durov. Why Pavel Durov's refusal from meat and dietary supplements is a mistake: a doctor's opinion How to choose the right fish

founder of VKontakte and Telegram

Today, October 10, the former CEO of the largest Russian social network VKontakte and the founder of the Telegram messenger Pavel Durov turns 32. Durov is an extremely mysterious person who interests millions of people around the world. Due to the non-publicity and closeness of Pavel, both from the press and from subscribers on social networks, rumors about his death and even that the young man does not exist at all “walked” on the Internet more than once. Like, Pavel Durov is a fictional character, a legend invented by the real founder of VKontakte. But now that we know for sure that he is real, let's summarize what we know about Pavel Durov.

1. He graduated from St. Petersburg State University with a red diploma in the specialty "English Philology and Translation", which, however, remained at the university, because Durov never took it.

2. Former CEO of VKontakte. Quote from Paul:

“Asking if it’s hard to be a vegetarian is like asking if it’s hard not to eat people. Not difficult. It's hard to eat them."

3. Initially, Durov wanted to call his social network "", but changed his mind, because, according to him, " sooner or later we all become graduates».

4. In the wardrobe of a famous IT entrepreneur, there are only black things.

5. Adheres to libertarian political views. He advocates the reformation of the educational system in Russia, the abolition of taxes in the field of information, the abolition of the visa system, registration and military conscription, and the reduction of customs duties.

6. Pavel came up with his current Telegram project after the FSB raided his apartment in 2011. This event led Durov to the idea that there is no simple means of communication that would be inaccessible to the special services.

7. The former CEO of VKontakte donated one million dollars.

8. Pavel Durov considers the creator his idol Steve Jobs.

9. Once, on the occasion of the City Day in St. Petersburg, Pavel Durov threw five-thousand-dollar bills attached to paper airplanes out of the window of his office. According to many eyewitnesses, people threw themselves at this money, crushing and beating each other.

10. Pavel Durov ran over a traffic police officer: without responding to the law enforcement officer's demand to stop, Durov continued to move, hitting a policeman, causing bruises on his legs and abrasions. A criminal case was not opened, Pavel's actions were qualified as "malicious disobedience to the requirements of an internal affairs officer."

11. Pavel Durov received citizenship of the Caribbean state of Saint Kitts and Nevis by donating $250,000 to one of the country's enterprises (and according to local law, donating such an amount gives an automatic rule for obtaining citizenship). The new passport gives Pavel 131 countries of the world, including EU countries.

An entry in the microblog of Pavel Durov (one of the creators of the social network in VKontakte has currently gained almost 20 thousand likes and has already made these rules something like new commandments for users of the largest Russian social network.

1. Understand what you really like. The golden rule says - do what gives real pleasure, and then you will become much happier.

2. Refuse garbage, which you eat, drink and smoke every day. No secrets and cunning diets - natural food, fruits, vegetables, water. You don't have to become a vegetarian and stop drinking completely - just limit sugar, flour, coffee, alcohol and all plastic food as much as possible.

3. Learn foreign languages. This will expand the depth of perception of the world and open up unprecedented opportunities for learning, development and career growth. There are 60 million Russian-speaking Internet users. English speakers - a billion. The center of progress is now on the other side of the border, including the language one. Knowledge of English is no longer just a whim of intellectuals, but a vital necessity.

4. Read books. An approximate circle is your professional field, history, natural science, personal growth, sociology, psychology, biographies, high-quality fiction. No time to read because you drive - listen to audiobooks. The golden rule is to read/listen to at least one book a week. That's 50 books a year that will change your life.

5. Make the most of every weekend. Go to a museum, go in for sports, go out of town, skydive, visit relatives, go to a good movie. Expand your contact area with the world. The more impressions you let through yourself, the more interesting life will be, and the better you will understand things and phenomena.

6. Start a blog or regular diary. No matter what. It does not matter that you do not have eloquence and you will have no more than 10 readers. The main thing is that on its pages you will be able to think and reason. And if you just regularly write about what you love, readers will definitely come.

7. Set goals, write them down on paper, in Word or blog. The main thing is that they be clear, understandable and measurable. If you set a goal, you can either achieve it or not. If you do not put, then there are no options for achieving at all.

8. Learn to touch type on the keyboard
. Time is one of the few treasures you have, and you should be able to type almost as fast as you can think. And you should not think about where the desired letter is, but about what you write.

9. Ride time.
Learn to manage your affairs so that they work almost without your participation. For starters, read Allen (Getting Things Done) or Gleb Arkhangelsky. Make decisions quickly, act immediately, do not delay. All things either do or delegate to someone.

10. Give up computer games, aimlessly sitting on social networks and stupidly surfing the Internet. Minimize communication in social networks, leave one account. Destroy the TV antenna in the apartment.

12. Learn to get up early. The paradox is that in the early hours you always have more time than in the evening. If you leave Moscow at 7 am on weekends in the summer, then by 10 am you will already be in Yaroslavl. If you leave at 10, you will be there in the best case for dinner. A person needs 7 hours of sleep, subject to high-quality physical activity and normal nutrition.

13. Try to surround yourself with decent, honest, open, intelligent and successful people. We are our environment from which we learn everything we know. Spend more time with people you respect and learn from (it's especially important that your bosses fall into that category).

14. Make the most of every moment and each person in order to learn something new. If life brings you together with a professional in any field, try to understand what is the essence of his work, what are his motivations and goals. Learn to ask the right questions - even a taxi driver can be an invaluable source of information.

15. Start traveling.
It does not matter that there is no money for Argentina and New Zealand - the quality of the holiday is not related to the money spent. When you see how diverse the world is, you will stop obsessing over the space around you and become more tolerant, calmer and wiser.

16. Buy a camera and try to catch the beauty of the world. When you succeed, you will remember your travels not only by vague impressions, but also by beautiful photographs that you brought with you. Alternatively, try drawing, singing, dancing, sculpting, designing. That is, do something that will make you look at the world with different eyes.

17. Go in for sports. It is not necessary to go to a fitness club where jocks, pick-up artists, Balzac ladies and freaks hang out. Yoga, rock climbing, cycling, horizontal bars, parallel bars, football, running, plyometrics, swimming, functional training are the best friends of a person who wants to restore tone to the body and get a surge of endorphins. And forget about the elevator.

18. Do unusual things. Go somewhere you've never been before, take a different route to work, sort out a problem you don't know anything about. Get out of your "comfort zone", expand your knowledge and horizons. Rearrange furniture at home, change appearance, hairstyle, image.

19. Invest. Ideally, every month it is worth investing part of the income, because a rich person is not one who earns a lot, but one who invests a lot. Try to invest in assets, minimize liabilities and control expenses.

20. Get rid of junk. Throw away anything you haven't worn or used in the past year. Leave only what you like and need. It's a pity to throw it away - distribute it.

21. Give more than you take. Share knowledge, experience and ideas. A person who not only takes, but also shares, is incredibly attractive. Surely you know something that others really want to learn.

22. Accept the world as it is.
Give up value judgments, accept all phenomena as neutral. And even better - as unambiguously positive.

23. Forget about what happened in the past. It has nothing to do with the future. Take with you from there only experience, knowledge, good relations and positive impressions.

24. Don't be afraid. There are no insurmountable obstacles, and all doubts live only in your head. You don't have to be a warrior, you just need to see the goal, avoid obstacles and know that you will achieve it without a single chance to experience failure.

25. The last, it is the first. Do what you like. Learn. Learn. Develop. Change yourself from within.

The founder of the VKontakte social network and the Telegram messenger, Pavel Durov, said on October 10 that he gave up cigarettes, coffee and other products, including meat, many years ago, and everyone involved in creation should follow his example. Which of the famous entrepreneurs adheres to vegetarianism - in the review of RBC.

On October 10, 2017, on his birthday, the founder of the VKontakte social network and the Telegram messenger, Pavel Durov, of all those involved in creation, give up seven things, including meat. “In short: they are all addictive and affect the mind,” he explained.

Roman Avdeev, owner of Moscow Credit Bank

In 2011, in the comments to one of his posts in LiveJournal, billionaire Roman Avdeev told how he made a choice in favor of vegetarianism. “For the last eight years I have been a staunch vegetarian. Once, one of my acquaintances and I were walking around Berlin, and there was a demonstration of animal rights activists. Strange people! They care about animals, they carry some bloody photographs, but they themselves eat chicken from plastic packages and see no contradiction in this, ”Avdeev wrote.

Biz Stone (left) and Evan Williams, founders of the social network Twitter

Twitter founders Biz Stone and Evan Williams don't eat meat. In 2012, they even invested in Beyond Meat, which is developing plant-based alternatives that taste similar to meat. “My first reaction was, I know it’s like meat, but if someone served me this dish in a restaurant, I would have thought it was some kind of mistake,” said Stone, commenting on the product.

Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Corporation

Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

The founder and former head of Apple, Steve Jobs, who died of cancer at the age of 57, also followed various diets that excluded meat. In particular, he adhered to fruitarianism and ate only apples and carrots.

Bill Ford Jr., Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ford

In 2010, the media reported that the great-grandson of Ford's founder, Henry Ford, Bill is a vegan (a strict form of animal-free food, in addition to meat, the diet excludes eggs, dairy products and honey). For 20 years he was a vegetarian, but then switched to an even more restrictive diet.

Elon Musk, founder of Tesla

In 2013, in an interview, engineer and billionaire Elon Musk said that he tried to become a vegetarian, but nothing came of it. “I tried, but I don't think we were meant to be vegetarians. Several of my best friends are vegetarians, even vegans, and it's hard when you're trying to have dinner together," Musk said. ​

I want to tell you about the stars who have chosen a life without meat, and some without animal products at all (the stars are vegetarians and vegans). Among famous people there are quite a few people who have given up animal products, which, of course, pleases, because for many they are an object to follow and give other people a wonderful example of a healthy, non-violent lifestyle. In this article I will talk about the famous Russian writers, actors and athletes, vegans and vegetarians.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Drozdov

It is quite natural that the main lover and connoisseur of animals in our country does not eat animals, but loves them and takes care of them in every possible way. At such a venerable age (Nikolai Nikolayevich was born in 1937), not everyone can boast of such remarkable activity and vitality as the famous host of the program “In the World of Animals”. As a scientist, Nikolai Drozdov confirmed that in terms of the structure of the digestive system and teeth, a person is still closer to herbivores, namely to primates. Nikolai Drozdov became a vegetarian in 1970 while traveling in India. The permanent host of the program about animals, Nikolai Drozdov, after a trip to India, was imbued with the preaching of local yogis about vegetarianism and supported the idea. After several years, Nikolai Nikolaevich discovered for himself that the rejection of meat turned out to be very favorable for both the stomach and the whole organism. In his opinion, meat should not be consumed for three reasons: 1) Poorly digested 2) Moral aspect 3) Spiritual aspect. As an alternative to animal protein, Nikolai Nikolayevich prefers to eat legumes, spinach, and beans.

Here he is - my favorite since childhood vegetarian Nikolai Nikolaevich Drozdov - a person whom I admire endlessly!

The famous TV presenter is also a vegan. She gave up meat primarily for ethical reasons, in her words: "Why does anyone have to die so that I can live well?". Not to use products of animal origin, in her opinion, this is the only correct attitude towards one's own and to someone else's (even if it is the life of a silent animal) life. As soon as you try to live without animal products, you will understand that this is the only sure way to survive on our planet, and the survival of the planet itself (!), and your children will be able to see this world green and beautiful, ”says vegan Olga Shelest with confidence.

“I saw a woman eating barbecue. This same woman cannot watch a lamb being slaughtered. I consider this hypocrisy. When a person sees an obvious murder, he does not want to be the aggressor.

Have you seen the carnage? It's like a nuclear explosion, only we can film a nuclear explosion, but here we only feel the release of the most terrible negative energy. This will terrify the very last inhabitant.

I believe that a person who strives for self-improvement should start with nutrition, I would even say with philosophy, but this is not given to everyone.

Now there are few people who can start from philosophy and come to the commandment "Thou shalt not kill," so it is right to start with food; through healthy food, consciousness is cleansed and, consequently, philosophy changes.”

Laima Vaikule is also a vegan and admits that the secret of her youth and beauty is good sleep and the absence of animal food in her diet. Her menu includes fruits, vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese. She is convinced that a person's face reflects what he eats (how you eat is how you look). In addition, Laima Vaikule does not wear natural fur products. She is of the opinion that animals have the same feelings as people, so they should not be offended (and even more so - eaten).

Olga Budina

“When they offer me a piece of meat, I imagine this animal that ran, lived, breathed, fell in love, and suddenly I eat it,” says the famous actress and TV presenter. Olga Budina refused meat when she found out that she would have a baby. She did this in order not to harm the health of her child.

Nadezhda Babkina

A beautiful girl (there is no other way to call her), the restless Nadezhda Babkina is also a vegetarian, and for more than 20 years. She gave up eating meat after seeing with her own eyes how cruelly a pig was slaughtered in the village. The singer's favorite dessert is nuts with honey. IN Everyday life the singer eats all kinds of cereals on the water, raw and boiled vegetables, pasta with a vegetarian sauce. Nadezhda Babkina claims that “it literally became easier for her to live without meat.”

Pavel Durov

The founder of the well-known social network - in contact Pavel Durov has been a vegan for quite a long time. Paul believes that a person in modern world there is no need to consume as much meat as humanity consumes now. All the necessary reserves of protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids, micro and macro elements, of course, vitamins are found in plant products: legumes, nuts, herbs, seeds, seaweed, vegetables and fruits.

Elena Lenina

Elena Lenina is a famous model and TV presenter - a staunch vegetarian. According to her, she likes to live without eating her own kind. IN Lately Elena began to practice a raw food diet. “The way we look depends a lot on what we eat. And how much, - says Elena. It is simply unacceptable to shove into oneself what the people shove. This is a real lack of culture. By the way a person looks, by what he eats, you can determine what this person is like. What he eats is what he looks like. The human body is a temple. Do not smoke it with cigarettes, fill it with alcohol and drugs. Only the purest, the brightest and the most correct should enter this temple. Do not squeak, but I will stigmatize all those who rape their unfortunate organism. I haven't eaten meat in any form for over 10 years. I don't even eat poultry. Sometimes I allow myself to taste fish, eggs and dairy products.

Svyatoslav Yeshchenko

The famous humorist has not eaten meat for over 15 years. Yeshchenko claims that for him vegetarianism is a philosophy of life. By the way, Svyatoslav also brings up his son as a vegetarian. Svyatoslav's wife is also a vegetarian. “I haven’t eaten meat for ten years and everything works fine in my body, there are no diseases. I love milk, which is perfectly digestible for me. Jesus Christ said that when you eat meat, you eat death, and when you eat vegetarian food, you eat life."

Irina Ozernaya

Irina Ozernaya is a poet, writer, journalist, and, of course, she is also a vegan. “I have always been very fond of animals. But at some point, it became completely obvious to me that it was absurd when some animals are your friends, and others are for food. I completely switched to vegetarianism in about a week, or even less. There are people who absolutely calmly eat both chops and sausage, but they cannot eat some separate parts, for example, brains or offal, or udder. Others eat any meat except pork. The third - except for beef. I didn't have qualifying rounds. Somehow I came up with this. I stopped eating meat. “Well, I think, I will eat fish.” And then suddenly: “Stop! How's the fish? She was alive too. And immediately the whole list went away: eggs, mayonnaise and so on.

Andrey Loshak

Andrey Loshak is a Russian journalist and reporter. According to him, he used to like eating meat because it was delicious. And then everything changed. “I am against hypocrisy: if you love animals, then do not eat them, and if you eat, then do not say that you love them.”

This list could go on, dear friends. Because there are more and more famous people who have refused to eat meat. There are many vegan and vegetarian stars both in our country and abroad. And this cannot but rejoice. After all, for many they are an example to follow. I would like to end this article with the statement of the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, who was also a vegetarian:

Siganism is gaining popularity around the world - a new diet of celebrities, including Telegram founder Pavel Durov and singer Jennifer Lopez. Here's what you need to know about sigans.

How did siganism appear?

In 2016, friends Amy Kramer and Lisa McComsey released Cigan Cuisine: The Beauty of Healthy, Organic Seafood, which became a bestseller. Both girls lead an active lifestyle: they participate in amateur marathons, triathlons, and bike rides. A few years ago, they consciously came to veganism - they refused not only meat, but also milk, eggs, honey and other animal products. They described their experience in the book "Cheat Sheet for Vegans", where they proposed a program of step-by-step transition to a new diet (designed for 21 days) with recipes.

Book cover of Xigan Cuisine: The Benefits of Healthy, Organic Seafood

Then the healthy lifestyle activists decided that the body needs omega-3. These unsaturated fatty acids are needed to strengthen the immune system, lower triglycerides (blood fats), blood pressure and cholesterol, reduce joint pain and inflammation, fight menstrual cramps, asthma and depression. The problem is that you can't get enough of them from a vegan diet. Then Amy and Lisa included fish in their diet - two to three times a week, while continuing to lean on fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds and grains, but avoiding dairy products, eggs and meat. They called this diet siganism (from the English sea - the sea + part of the word "vegan").

How are Sigans different from vegans and pescatarians?

The name describes this diet very clearly: in fact, these are vegans who allow themselves seafood and fish. Also, siganism should not be confused with pescatarianism (Italian pesce - fish, English vegetarian - vegetable eating), in which it is allowed to eat dairy products and sometimes eggs. new system nutrition was appreciated not only by the founder of Telegram Pavel Durov. According to the authors of the diet, it is also followed by Bill Clinton, Ben Stiller, Jennifer Lopez.

How to choose the right fish

In their book, Kramer and McComsey advise avoiding fish high in mercury. It is better to exclude Chilean sea bass, Atlantic cod, sea bass, king mackerel, Atlantic salmon, all imported shrimp, swordfish and tuna from the diet. Load up on sardines, crab, haddock, rainbow trout, arctic char, black cod and Pacific salmon. Wild seafood is a valuable source of omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, iodine and taurine. When choosing between local fish and imported fish, give preference to the first.

What is dangerous "marine broilers"

One of the biggest evils, according to the authors of the diet, is aqua farms where salmon are bred. They are not fed crustaceans like in the wild, that would be too expensive. Instead, dyes are added to the food: usually it is canthaxanthin (E161g food coloring), which can literally make you blind if it accumulates in the iris of the eye. But producers have the opportunity to make the color of meat to order - they are given a special "fan" with a palette of shades, as in paint stores. In Russia, rich orange shades are in demand, but in Europe they buy more pink salmon. Therefore, it is better to choose wild fish. By the way, the Dorada, beloved by many, is bred in rooms with special light so that its meat is white. Wild sea bass is listed in the Red Book, so it is impossible to buy it legally. And the one in restaurants and shops is grown on farms in Turkey and Greece.

How to cook shigan fish

Definitely with fresh herbs. One of the recipes: put chopped basil leaves and tomatoes on the fish, salt it with sea salt, wrap it in foil and bake. Another option is to drizzle the fish with lime juice and cook it with cilantro, corn, and tomatoes. And you can pre-marinate it in a mixture of tarragon and a tablespoon of dry white wine. At the same time, vegetable oil should be avoided - the authors of the diet warn that it provokes heart disease and clogs blood vessels.

Frozen fish

The founders of siganism think sensibly and understand that not everyone lives a five-minute drive from the ocean, like Pavel Durov, so they are quite liberal about frozen fish. But only to the one that has undergone a deep freeze right on board the ship. This is usually indicated on the labels. General Tips: Look for shiny-scaled fish in tightly sealed packages. Do not buy if you notice ice crystals or traces of blood on the carcass.

Canned fish

Seagans are not particularly opposed to canned food and preserves - "a great option for a snack or an unexpected company." Salmon, sardines, anchovies, herring, crab - these preparations are ideal for sandwiches, pasta sauces, salads and so on.

Recently, in his Telegram channel, Durov wrote that for "clarity of thought" he went on a hunger strike: for six days he sat only on the water. The 34-year-old programmer is known for his passion for proper nutrition: a year ago he stopped eating eggs, dairy products, excluded gluten and fructose from the diet, for 15 years he has not eaten meat, does not drink alcohol, tea, coffee and soda. Since May 2019, Durov switched to the Sigan diet.

Unlike agricultural products and farm-raised meat, which were added to our diet not so long ago (about 15,000 years ago), wild fish cooked on fire is a food that our ancestors adapted to consume for millions of years. The "Sigan" diet seems to me much more meaningful than a vegan or raw food diet.
