Shaman mahan ghost castle. The Path of the Shaman. About the book "The Way of the Shaman. Phantom Castle Vasily Makhanenko

- The choice is made! - said the keeper of the treasury, and Drakosha and I were lifted into the air. A portal formed right under the ceiling, where the hurricane raging around began to pull us, but I still had the properties of the object that fell into the bag before my eyes, so I did not pay attention to the specifics of extrusion from the first Dragon Dungeon. Too weird thing I got:


Krustil of squalor. Description: Rastukal, who slurped prakrat in rurne, smog pralis curulex glassy. Only rymzy kryzhopliks gurugurt is able to take the krustil of squalor. Item class: Unique.

I really hope that this text has at least some meaning ... Otherwise ...

Chapter 6

My uncle of the most honest rules,
When I fell ill in earnest,
Serving excellently, nobly,
We all learned a little
So thought the young rake,
His father lived in debt
Gave three balls annually
When will the rebellious youth

He forced himself to respect
Flying in the dust on postage,
Something and somehow
So education, thank God,
By the will of Zeus
And I couldn't think of a better one.
Everything that Eugene knew,

Several times I re-read the problem from the ogres, not understanding how Pushkin's great work "Onegin" is connected with Karmadont's Chess. Not only were the lines from the work not taken sequentially, but also their combination did not give the result that I remembered by heart. What I also liked about the riddle was that the first eight lines were in one ogre, the second in the second, and there was no field for entering the answer. As if the answer, as such, did not exist!

“Makhan, hi, it’s me,” Anastaria contacted me via amulet in the late afternoon. – Do you have any plans for the evening?

- Yes, one girl promised me a date, I'm sitting, waiting for an invitation from her.

“Forget about that sluggish one—I’m going to steal you away from her!” How do you feel about riding the canals of Anhurs in the evening?

- Where and when?

- If you want to talk - get out of the library! grumbled the grey-haired keeper of the Shaman Book. - Here they get knowledge, not scratch their tongues!

- Who is so formidable there? Are you in Anhurs at all?

Yes, Shamans.

- Then in five minutes at the entrance. I'll give you a master class on how to properly organize and conduct dates! I am waiting…

When the girl passed out, I got up from the only chair and stretched - after killing almost the whole day to get acquainted with the book, I raised my Spirituality to 72 units. There was about a quarter left before the end of the book, so this characteristic can be increased a little more. True, there is no idea what to do next. Is it possible that the further development of the main characteristics of shamans will go purely through the use of combined Spirits? It's so slow...

- How long have you been going to play silent? Anastaria asked as soon as we were seated in the magic-controlled pleasure boat.

- Silent woman? – I was surprised, still being under impressions from the read book. I have rarely met such a complex, but at the same time, interesting language. The semantic message, sometimes twisted so that you had to re-read the same piece of text several times in order to understand what the author wanted to say, required constant digestion, like a viral advertisement for some cheap product. Apparently, more than one writer has worked on the text of this book.

“Yesterday one of the players created ogres from Karmadont's set. Do you happen to know who that could be? The clan could use it...

“Ah, you are talking about this,” I smiled, taking out the figurines and handing them to Nastya. - What is your task?

- Hmm ... - completely ignoring the beauty of the evening city, the girl muttered. I can give my head a cut, now there was only one world for her and in this world there was nothing but two small figures ... - So ... Hmm ... Where to enter the answer?

- Have you figured it all out yet? - Hearing Nastya's words, I almost had a culture shock. Did it really take her two "Hmm" and one "So" to solve the riddle? It's unrealistic! A person cannot be such an ... ideal, both in terms of external and internal data!

– No, but if it did, where would you introduce it? The girl dispelled my doubts. However, she is human too! Having returned the figurines to me, Nastya said: - Give me a day, and I will solve this problem! Listen, Mahan, tell me, please, what is your name?

- I understand that they don’t call you, you yourself come and all that, but constantly call a person by a game nickname somehow ... Personally, I don’t really like it when they call me “Anastaria”. Nastya, Anastasia, for a very limited number of people Nasten ... This is my name and I love it very much, so I'm used to communicating with other players by their real names, not invented ones. Or are you hiding it?

- No, why, it's just that no one has really asked him until this moment. I'm Dmitry, you can just Dima.

- Great! Then, Dima, show me what else you have interesting.

- Well, I can get it myself, - Nastya sat down next to me and put her hand into the holy of holies of any player - a personal bag. Exactly! I was going to set up access to it, but I didn’t have time ... well, what’s to grieve now - Nastya’s kleptomania was not noticed.

“Dim, would you like to tell me how you became the owner of an item for which the dwarven king is ready to give up half his kingdom?” - Asked Nastya, pulling Barliona Gladir Borja under the sky and raising it above her head like a torch. Blazing like the sun and dispelling the approaching dusk, Gladir turned the evening into a bright day, allowing you to see the smallest details of the boat or the stone banks of the canal. Unable to resist, I turned on the video recording - the spectacle that appeared before my eyes was magnificent.

“Okay, hide it,” after looking at the hammer, the girl returned it to me, without waiting for an answer about the plantation on which I grew such a miracle. Or postponing the conversation about it for later, because in addition to Gladir, I also had ... - I’m even afraid to ask what it is, - Nastya said, taking out a krastil of squalor. Twisting the ball in her hands, and not having figured out how to use it, she immediately returned it to the bag. - So you will tell, or will you play partisan, whom the evil occupier will torture? Moreover, to torture in the most sadistic way that is available to him, - Nastya whispered the last words right in my face, pouring her hot breath.

"You know, I wouldn't mind being a partisan," I squeezed out, trying not to make sudden movements. Literally a couple of centimeters away from me is a beautiful girl, so if I take even one wrong step, the charm of the moment will evaporate, and I will wake up in my bed in a hotel. For it is extremely hard to believe that Anastaria is not just nearby - girls generally love society - but at the same time she is not going to leave anywhere.


A new immersion in the world of Barliona - one of the best worlds of the LitRPG project!

What can a gaming clan do without a castle?

The answer is obvious - nothing, so the main task of any leader in the game world is to get their own habitat. Proceeding precisely from this position, Mahan - the Supreme Shaman, the head of the "Legends of Barliona" clan - accepted the proposal of the Emperor and the Lord to destroy the army of Ghosts who settled in Altameda - the Phantom Castle. However, the seemingly usual task set off such a flywheel of events that the Shaman had no choice but to turn on his intuition and sometimes act on a whim. After all, a player who is being hunted by three leading clans of the continent at once has nothing else left ...

On our site you can download the book "The Path of the Shaman. The Phantom Castle" by Vasily Mikhailovich Makhanenko for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

Briefly: "the same cabbage soup, pour thicker ...". but the book has already rolled down to 4.
For those interested in more details:
GG lucky. to disgrace. failed the task - it doesn't matter: went to Anastaria, through the NPC got into a zone not intended for players, completed the task, restored the reputation for the failed task. apply abilities not available to his class.
At the same time, he is strikingly naive and stupid. analyzes his own conclusions very poorly, cannot question his own thoughts.
Does not let the NPC to the castle - he yelled at the NPC and his requirements were immediately met, and the NPC was punished ...
Whatever he does, everything will be (absolutely) beneficial to him and his clan. I'm afraid even if he does nothing, there will be even greater benefits.
Confusion: heroes easily fight level 50-150 against monsters 300-350 (100++ level difference) (dark forest battle with vampires, the moment when a mahan (about 70) with 3 characters of level 29 killed 5 vampires of level 115-150) then when reviewing the properties of the eye, anastaria says that monsters 3 levels higher than themselves will crush them .... paradox
in the arena, they pull out the gg, and not an experienced raid leader who takes the reins of power into his own hands and pulls out the raid.
It became clear why he closed the reins of the clan on himself - to take and litter 300 thousand gold pieces (of the clan treasury!!!) for a suit, in order not to lose reputation with a jeweler (only for himself) and to perform unnecessary except for his quest (and to prevent suicide - about which the emperor already knew) - only for himself.
Naturally, with such luck, the scroll about chess gets to him. Naturally, just like that.
Again, he acts according to his feelings and returns the scroll, which gives him buns for creating chess (voluntarily refusing them) ... but here, too, luck: the scroll is returned to him as a noble gesture and another turnip is raised.
I believe that if he destroys the city / castle, kills the emperor, abuses the princess, kills all the shamans, they will raise his reputation to the maximum, and give him super rare epics, and also thank him.)
It also finishes off with the fact that a person who spent several years on leveling up the creation profession, who is the leader of the mainland in craft, was in less than half a year bypass 1 prisoner, who ALREADY raised a high-level player in craft. There is no competition at all.
But, yours, to finish reading to the end of the strength is enough. Although more and more reminiscent of nonsense about one lich.
at the beginning of the 1st book there was intrigue, hopelessness - he is in pain, everyone else is not in pain. he is an outcast among his own kind and so on. Well, it was clear that it would be difficult for him. here the only thing that is not clear is how quickly he will complete the next task or pump (that is, the book, as it were, is not about a prisoner who is being punished, but about a person in a country with some restrictions).
and especially strongly gg no one limits. the feeling of pleasure received for the levels (the same is strange, but okay) - disappeared. besides pain, there are also feelings of pleasure (a brothel, the whole range of sensations). gg sitting, or at a resort with a light regimen? the whole limitation is the inability to go out into the real world ... otherwise, they are "punished" with experience, level-ups, rare tasks, getting money, easy raids, pumping physical data in reality, sex in the pleasure house (judging by the text, it is quite traditional, without perversions - 24 hours a week... if you remember the physiology of a man - 5-30 minutes... that's 48 times a week... even if you imagine that he spends 2 hours on this business (it's just PPC what a loss of strength) - this is some bull inseminator is simple).
well, I would understand the limitations in the game - they say you can’t download reputation, you can’t complete some tasks, you can’t create a clan and other things that strain you in the game, showing that you won’t be able to get along in society until you atone for your guilt ... but punish like that .. "Give it double as well"... it's time to think about who the real prisoner is...
Attitude (embarrassment, shock of an NPC at the sight of the characteristics of his hero.) - it is unlikely that “shocking” would be done by all NPCs, if this is not according to the plot of the quest. It's illogical.
2 explanations - either the author carries and will continue to be "the same thicker cabbage soup", or makhan is an experiment, nothing more - which explains his incredible luck, luck. out of curiosity what happens next. I definitely would not spend money on a series. but "hedgehogs cried and pricked ...";)

Path of the Shaman. ghost castle Vasily Makhanenko

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Title: Way of the Shaman. ghost castle

About the book "The Way of the Shaman. Phantom Castle Vasily Makhanenko

A new immersion in the world of Barliona - one of the best worlds of the LitRPG project!

What can a gaming clan do without a castle?

The answer is obvious - nothing, so the main task of any leader in the game world is to get their own habitat. Proceeding precisely from this position, Mahan - the Supreme Shaman, the head of the "Legends of Barliona" clan - accepted the proposal of the Emperor and the Lord to destroy the army of Ghosts who settled in Altameda - the Phantom Castle. However, the seemingly usual task set off such a flywheel of events that the Shaman had no choice but to turn on his intuition and sometimes act on a whim. After all, a player who is being hunted by three leading clans of the continent at once has nothing else left ...

On our site about books you can download for free without registration or read online the book “The Way of the Shaman. Ghost Castle" by Vasily Makhanenko in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you can try your hand at writing.
