Watch time ahead latest release. Channel “Time-forward!” talks about Russia, which is not shown on TV. Russia has found a way to capitalize on the main fear of Europeans

The coronavirus is becoming a real stress test for the world and clearly demonstrates which management systems are effective in practice, not in words. The Chinese centralized system has made it possible to bring the virus under control, while Western countries have not yet shown success in this direction. But what about Russia? We have already adopted...

The restart of the Russian defense industry has begun. This is the defining moment

The other day it became known about the long-awaited decision of the Russian authorities to write off debts of hundreds of billions of rubles to defense industry enterprises. Where did these debts come from, why did they decide to write them off right now, and what else is being done to restart the defense industry, as well as other interesting news, we will tell in this issue. Closed DecreeThis...

Russia has found a way to capitalize on the main fear of Europeans

While Asia is actively developing its nuclear projects, Europe, under pressure from the "greens", is curtailing its own programs. Atomophobia and environmental populism have already led to billions in losses and thousands of lives lost, but this is only the beginning. However, Russia has found an original way to help Europeans get rid of their main ...

Russia launched a secret installation. Helped "unicorn Chubais"

Do you remember how quite recently the phrase "Russian nanotechnologies" caused fits of hysterical laughter and unrestrained trolling of keyboard knights? But time passed, and a company appeared in Russia, which, without noise and dust, became the largest manufacturer in the world of just such products. And without it, it will soon not move with m ...

The first one went! Russia reveals reserves. Explain why

This week, a landmark decision was made - the Russian government finally decided on the spending of money from the accumulated reserves and decided to direct the first funds to the purchase of Sberbank. We will explain the essence of what is happening in the simplest and clearest language, so that even people far from the economy will understand. And we will also tell you who banned Russian Railways from ...

Russia overtook the USA, China, the USSR and won the dispute with Ukraine

ATTENTION! It is better to watch this material, not to read it. Recently, the long-awaited statistics of industrial production in Russia for the past year was published, which shows that in one important indicator we broke the record of the USSR, overtook the USA and even China. What is this indicator and what does Ukraine have to do with it in this issue, but for ...

Russia is developing a large construction site. per trillion

Over 1 trillion rubles will be directed to Russia for the construction of road bridges, most of which are in the provinces. One of them - the bridge to the island of Helena - deserves a separate story. We will discuss it and other interesting events in this issue, as well as tell the amazing story of a simple Russian guy who himself se...

We can whenever we want. Now Russia has its own satellites

The problem with the import substitution of foreign components in the Russian GLONASS-K1 satellites has been resolved, their mass production is being prepared, and Russia “suddenly” needed a lot of new launch vehicles and satellites to implement the global Sphere project. Why this is important and what the Americans have to do with it - we will tell in today's issue. Mine...

The most important state order in history has been announced in Russia. How to participate

Throughout the week, political reshuffles and the forthcoming constitutional reform were discussed in Russia. But in our opinion, the main event was the opening of the most important state order in the history of our country, in which almost every one of us can take part - this is a state order for children. Why was it needed and how is it different from the European one - the ...

Russia has unfrozen a 150-year-old project. That's what for

The noise of the New Year holidays hid from us the significant news that the design of the port in the village of Indiga, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, had begun. The port, which was planned to be built 150 years ago, but could not be started. In this issue, we will talk about its meaning, and why we need to do something that all the previous rules failed to do...

Forecast of positive events in Russia in 2020

The coming year 2020 promises to be rich in positive events in Russia. Let's list them, as usual, in order to compare expectations with reality in a year. And at the end of the issue, we will designate the event that, in our opinion, is the most important. On the waterIn the new year, one of the most powerful diesel-electric icebreakers will be handed over to the customer...

Positive results of 2019 for Russia. What came true from our forecast

As usual, we will sum up its positive results at the end of the year. What was good for Russia in space, in the sky, on water and on earth? And at the end of the issue, let's see what came true from our positive forecast for 2019. In spaceToward the end of the year, the Rokot carrier rocket successfully launched from the Plesetsk cosmodrome and put 4 satellites into orbit with ...

In the new year, Russia will bring a surprise to the world. Here is the application!

At the end of the year, the state corporation Rosatom unexpectedly announced that the country needed another supershipyard for the construction of large-tonnage ships, similar to the one currently being built in the Far East. It seems that Russia is waiting for a real boom in shipbuilding, but why did we suddenly need so many new ships? Let's talk about it in today's episode...

The path of Russia's development for 15 years has been determined. Find yourself in it

Several important events have taken place this week, which, as usual, were drowned in the noise of empty news. But they clearly indicate how the country will live in the next 15 years. Let's break them down together and see how it affects each of us. The first event The most important is usually the most boring. Now almost no one...

The main result of 2019 - Russia broke the IMF

This week, perhaps, the main intrigue of 2019 was resolved - the Government decided to unpack the reserve fund and allocate funds to domestic projects contrary to the IMF's insistent recommendations. At the end of the issue, we will talk about what this means, but for now, let's sum up the main results of November. Industry and infrastructure...

It became known why Russia imports nuclear waste. Physics of Enrichment

This week, protests were held in a number of Russian cities against the import of "radioactive waste" from Germany into Russia. People do not agree that a “nuclear burial ground” is being made out of the country, emotions, as always, go off scale, and the protesters do not believe the assurances of Rosatom that there is no danger. Let's find out together whose truth is here.&n...

Powerful international corporations such as Google and Apple are subject to the laws. Today we will talk about another victory, which, in addition to moral satisfaction, guarantees the country access to new technologies. Watch right after the news bulletin.

news time

  • The second blocks of the Balaklava and Tavricheskaya TPPs were launched in Crimea. The combined capacity of the two power plants provides 90% of the peninsula's total energy consumption.
  • A new substation "Port" was put into operation in the Krasnodar Territory.
  • A modernized hydraulic unit No. 9 was put into operation at the Saratovskaya HPP.
  • In Volgodonsk - production of import-substituting equipment for LNG plants.
  • The first in Russia test bench for cryogenic pumps for LNG projects was created in St. Petersburg.
  • Bryansk launched the production of transistors and microcircuits for smartphones and laptops.
  • Mikron has introduced a new single-chip chip.
  • In the Krasnodar Territory, the production of metal products worth over 1 billion rubles has been opened.
  • In the Nizhny Novgorod region - the production of talc-filled polypropylene.
  • In the Ulyanovsk region, the production of aerated concrete building blocks worth over 1 billion rubles has been opened.
  • In Ivanovo, the production of products from composite materials has been opened.
  • In the Rostov region - the production of electric buses.
  • In Khakassia - a meat processing plant.
  • In the Kaliningrad region, the second stage of a large greenhouse complex has been launched.

Technology time

Russia has managed to win another battle with mega-corporations. The story began in 2016, when an agreement was reached on the takeover of the American Monsanto by the German concern Bayer. This deal was supposed to be one of the largest in the agricultural sector, but to complete it, the companies needed to obtain approval from all countries of presence. Including from Russia, where both Monsanto and Bayer have their own factories and laboratories. The Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service demanded that, in exchange for approving the deal, a number of technologies be transferred to Russia in order to increase the competitiveness of domestic companies.

It was about genetic lines, germplasm, digital farming systems - what Western science has been developing for decades. For this reason, Bayer immediately called such conditions unacceptable and filed a lawsuit in arbitration. However, as in all similar stories, the fear of losing the Russian market eventually prevailed, and the corporation agreed to comply with the demands of the antimonopolists.

Thus, Russia receives separate molecular breeding tools for different crops and access to digital farming technologies. In addition, Bayer will participate in the creation of a plant biotechnology research and training center and provide incentives and discounts to our farmers under license agreements for 10 years. This means that we have an excellent chance to raise the domestic breeding science to new level, combining the received technologies with their own developments. Then the competition from Bayer will not pose a serious threat to us.

As for our previous releases about the fight against corporations, we inform you that Google has corrected the error at the request of Russia and now Crimea is displayed as our territory in all cases on maps.

science time

In Tomsk, for the first time in the world, cardiac surgeons performed an operation using a unique Russian development - a vascular prosthesis with a quick valve change function. Previously, biological prostheses had to be changed every 10 years - this required the most complex operations with the risk of complications, especially for older patients. Now, the Russian development allows you to change only the valve, leaving the entire prosthesis in place. This greatly facilitates the operation and will help thousands of patients across the country.

Recently, again for the first time in Russia and Europe, a surgical operation was performed using another Russian development - an exoskeleton. We have already talked about such a novelty in the past. Initially, it was created for industrial workers - the design made it possible not to feel tired during work. However, now the exoskeleton has found its application in medicine - indeed, a surgeon during a 12-hour operation gets tired no less than a worker at the conveyor. Doctors are delighted with the novelty, and its creators note that it is more functional and cheaper than imported analogues.

Meanwhile, at the famous robot Fedor

“Good will never defeat evil if it is embarrassed of itself,” proclaim the creators of the YouTube channel “Time-forward!”. In contrast to the TV people, in most cases chasing “fried facts” and filling our minds with negativity, these people present us with another Russia, where everything is being built and developed. Russia of strong spirit and positive news.

Dear readers! We present to your attention an overview of the channel “Time-forward!”, as well as an example of one of the latest releases of the project for review.

A journalist originally from Orsk, Orenburg region, since 2007 he has been working on television and in federal publications. At the age of 33, Eugene Super has already published about 2,000 articles, mainly on political and social topics, and has become the author of a number of projects in addition to the “Time-forward!” program.

He is the author of a popular online diary in LiveJournal under the heading “Weapons are forged here”. Evgeny Super is also one of the most famous authors of the project “However” and the project “World redistribution”. On his official page in VK - the journalist conducts an interesting video section “Actually”.

The authors of the channel are aware that they also show the life of our country one-sidedly, only from the good side, but they note that, together with TV programs, this constitutes an objective picture of reality. They want you and me to have an incentive not to give up, there was hope for the future for ourselves and our children.

About what inspired them to create the project, its founders say this: “We are tired of noisy television talk shows, empty talking shops and destructive propaganda against our country. Every day we are hammered into our heads with the attitude of self-destruction - "Russia is degrading, Russia is a backward country, Russia will never succeed." So we are deprived of faith in our own strength and our future is being killed. We know that we are better than we used to think of ourselves. In our releases, only the truth. In our releases, only positive. In our releases, only forward movement!”

Developers of the channel “Time-forward!” approached the issue systematically and thoroughly. They edit their news programs very well and publish them weekly. They try to select the material so that a three-dimensional picture arises before the audience. At the moment, the channel has already accumulated 244 episodes of the program. As a rule, new episodes of the program appear on the channel every Sunday.

Each issue is divided into several traditional headings. The first part, “Building Time”, is dedicated to the construction of new factories, universities or even entire cities in our Fatherland. The second is called "Technology Time". From it you can learn about innovations and inventions made in Russia. The third part of the program, "Production time", will present statistics to your attention. Dry figures of productivity growth better than any beautiful slogans reveal the real achievements of our workers.

The “Export Time” section is devoted to a considerable amount of science-intensive products and products familiar to us, which come not only to the domestic market, but also go abroad. They are bought from us because we are the best in the world in their production. Finally, the “Time of a Man” section reports on what the ordinary people of the country achieve, who have faith in themselves and work hard in their place. About what is available to everyone.

The program includes good news from industry, economy, science, medicine, sports and culture, as well as the exploits and accomplishments of some of our fellow citizens. The channel has existed since March 4, 2012, and in five years the number of its subscribers has already reached 27,500 people, and the total number of episode views has exceeded 5,300,000.

In the videos of the program, you can see the logo of the Faberlic company. The creators of the project do not hide the fact that she is the initiator and sponsor of the project, which was launched as part of the company's information concept aimed at patriotic education. Interestingly, the company is 100% Russian and was previously called "Russian Line", and "Faberlic" became, having entered the international level.

As is often the case now, YouTube channel "Time forward!" It is merged with the Vremya-vpered.rf website, where text versions of issues are printed, and has its own groups in popular social networks. In VK this community "Russia today", and in Odnoklassniki And Facebook group project of the same name. Help the project “Time-forward!” Can .

It should be noted that the trend towards showing huge amounts of negative and completely empty “talk” programs on federal channels was noticed long ago and by many. Perhaps this is due to the generous payment from some external and internal forces, for which it is beneficial to see a frightened and atomized, and therefore easily controlled society in front of them. In contrast to them, projects appeared similar to the program “Time-forward!”.

Among other similar projects, the purpose of which is to familiarize society with the achievements of the country and individual Russians in various fields, one can note: the project of Roman Kovrigin “Made by us“, founded in 2010; the Russian Signs project, created in 2013 by entrepreneur Andrei Smirnov; site, dedicated to the feat of individual citizens of Russia; TV channel founded in 2015, which also has its own YouTube page; as well as the patriotic educational project of Dmitry (Goblin) Puchkov “Intelligence Survey”, published on his official channel and the site and the project-encyclopedia "Rukspert", dedicated to the patriotic resources and movements of our country.

We bring to the attention of our readers the latest issue of the “Time-forward!” program at the time of writing this review. No. 244, which is called “Finally, Russia shows its true face”:

Under the video, you can read its text version, taken from the official website of the project.

Construction time

In the Trans-Baikal Territory, the construction of the Bystrinsky Mining and Processing Plant has entered the final stage. A large enterprise with an investment volume of over 100 billion rubles will be put into operation at the end of this year. It will be the largest taxpayer in the region, which will ensure that the budget receives up to 8 billion rubles a year. In addition to the mining and processing plant itself, or rather two, which are being built within the framework of one project, a lot of work is being done to create transport and energy infrastructure. New roads, railway lines and capacities, in turn, will become an incentive for the development of new enterprises in the Trans-Baikal Territory. 3,500 new jobs will be created at the GOK. And already today recruitment is underway for a wide range of specialties - from engineers and geologists to drivers and miners.

Another large enterprise continues to develop, the launch of which we talked about a year ago. This is the Kimkano-Sutarsky GOK in the Jewish Autonomous Region. In the first quarter of this year, the plant increased production by 2 times and revenue by more than one and a half. It is expected to reach the design capacity by the end of the year. Here, too, there are many vacancies with a salary level of 30 to 70 thousand rubles. In addition to this, the company compensates families for the cost of moving, the cost of rent. And if these are our former compatriots, then the state also issues lifting allowances of several hundred thousand rubles, which many residents of Mariupol, Krivoy Rog and other Ukrainian cities have already taken advantage of.

Technology time

Recently, we talked about the development of metal 3D printing industry in Russia. It was said that an enterprise for the production of metal powder was being built and thousands of parts for engines were already being printed using additive technologies, and the first domestic printer for printing from metal was being developed. And now the news has come about the creation of a prototype of the first Russian 3D metal printer, moreover, using a different principle. Unlike powder printers, ours uses a metal wire as a material, and not a laser, but an electron beam as an energy source. This, firstly, speeds up printing. Where a powder printer produces several kilograms of products per day, ours makes several kilograms per hour. Secondly, our sample is capable of manufacturing products of “unlimitedly complex shape” weighing up to 1 ton and up to 3 cubic meters in volume. And this gives it the widest scope of application. It can be installed, for example, on the Moon, where it will grow any products on its own, or in a remote village on earth, where a person can print any item for himself. For example, a part of a bicycle or a car.

And without departing from the topic of another related development. At the Institute of Space Technology of the Siberian State University named after Reshetnev, a wax 3D printing technology has been invented that allows you to make models for metallurgical production. Now models for foundry production can be made not from expensive ceramics or silicone, but even from ordinary candle wax. And hundreds of times faster. Moreover, such printed models are superior in quality to samples produced using traditional technologies.

Production time

At the Antipinsky Oil Refinery, a delayed coking unit was modernized and a so-called “coker” was installed. "Texas tower" - a special type of heat exchanger with an increased heat transfer coefficient. All this will increase the capacity of the fuel oil processing unit by 17%. The Antipinsky Oil Refinery is interesting because it is the first private industrial oil refinery built in Russia from scratch in an open field. And today it is the only plant in the industry that has reached a unique depth of processing of raw materials - 98%.

Near Tver, the Russian company OZON opened the third stage of a large operational and logistics complex. In fact, this is a whole production complex comparable to a large enterprise. 4 billion rubles have already been invested in it and about 2,000 new jobs have been created, and there will be even more.

At the Metalloobrabotka-2017 exhibition, Tula gunsmiths presented a unique Russian deep drilling machine for the production of gun barrels. Previously, these were not produced in Russia and were purchased abroad, for example, in Germany, which is considered a leader in this area. Now we were able to create our own sample, which is in no way inferior in quality, but is much cheaper.

At that time, it became known that the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant, the famous manufacturer of Kalashnikovs and other small arms, military and civilian equipment, would receive 4 billion rubles by the end of next year to modernize production. Despite the fact that sanctions were imposed against the plant by Ukraine, it is rapidly increasing its performance. At the end of 2016, it increased revenue by a third, military production by 70% and civilian production by 30%. The plant's net profit increased 8 times over the year.

A large walnut nursery with a capacity of 3 thousand tons of walnuts per year and a new seed plant have been opened in the Krasnodar Territory. The first stage of the greenhouse complex was put into operation in the Lipetsk region. In Ulyanovsk there is a new poultry farm. In the Tyumen region, the first stage of the largest dairy mega-farm beyond the Urals has been launched.

Export time

In almost every issue, we refute the myth that Russia does not produce high-tech products that are in demand abroad. This time we will talk about the virtual simulators of the Kronstadt group. Recently, a contract was completed for the supply of a unique combined training complex for a surface ship and an anti-submarine helicopter to Vietnam. A little earlier, a full-scale Mi-8/17 helicopter simulator was installed in Colombia. And, of course, the company supplies similar simulators to the Russian armed forces as part of a government contract. Remarkably, the Kronstadt Group is a completely private domestic structure that unites a number of Russian enterprises specializing in the development and production of high-tech and science-intensive products.

As for Russian exports as a whole, the share of its non-commodity part has already reached 60%. And only for the last year has grown by 5-6%.

Human Time

A military pilot from Kaliningrad, Roman Aranin, is our hero today. 13 years ago, after an aviation incident, he fell from a height of 30 meters and broke his neck. While he was in intensive care, relatives were warned that they needed to say goodbye, but a doctor was found who saved Roman's life. However, he ended up confined to a wheelchair. However, he continued to live and think about how to help himself and other people in a similar situation.

Once, during the descent in a wheelchair from the ramp, misfortune happened to him again - he fell and was injured. And this misfortune was a real impetus for the development of such a chair, which would exclude such cases. As a result, he managed to develop a real all-terrain vehicle with an electric drive and a gyroscope. No one in the world used such a solution, and Roman was able to obtain a patent for it. And then he borrowed money from friends and launched his own production. The products turned out to be in great demand not only in Russia, but also in Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Argentina, Poland, Germany, and England. Today, 25 people work in the workshop of Roman Aranin, of which 8 are disabled. In addition, he created a public organization that helps people with disabilities find work, and in 2014 created 3 specialized beaches for people with disabilities in the Kaliningrad region. And if at first they were visited mainly by local residents, now people with disabilities from all over the country come here.

Roman Aranin is not going to stop there and dreams of building a factory in Kaliningrad for the production of high-tech wheelchairs, which will be issued to disabled people free of charge at the expense of the social insurance fund. On behalf of our entire project, we wish him success in his business and good health.


We are often told that all our positive news is a drop in the ocean. Indeed, you can't argue with that. Each piece of news from the issue, whether it's the opening of a farm or a giant factory, a scientific development or a personal feat of a person, is a drop from which a large and kind sea of ​​news is collected. For 5 years we have been collecting these drops like jewels and saving them for you so that you become even happier, kinder and stronger. And what will be more in your personal life - negative or positive - only you choose. Here, neither the state, nor we, nor anyone else will decide anything for you. Know how to enjoy life and find ways out of any situation. We wish you a good and cheerful week. Never give up. All links and text of the issue on our website Vremya-vpered.rf. Subscribe to our channel, join our social networks and feel free to share this video with your friends. Good will never overcome evil if it is ashamed of itself.

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