What happens if you give a cat valerian? Why do cats love valerian so much? What can you give a cat instead of valerian

Why do cats love valerian so much? The valerian root preparation is found in every home medicine cabinet, and people do not consider it necessary to hide this harmless sedative. But as soon as a cat appears next to the odorous composition, the danger increases to gigantic proportions.

These animals adore valerian and are unaware of the risks their health and psyche are exposed to.

Why do cats love valerian and what happens to them

The specific reaction of animals to substances containing valerian root is known mainly from practical observations. Valerian for cats is an energy drink, a sleeping pill, and a deadly drug in one bottle.

And everything happens in this order:

  • after taking valerian, the cat experiences a short period of hyperactivity;
  • then the pet becomes lethargic, he has a drowsy state;
  • and if the cat does not wake up for a long time - sometimes up to 2 days - you need to invite a veterinarian and save the animal.

Why Cats Love Valerian: The General Process

Cats love valerian because it contains actinidin (a group of pheromones). Pheromones form behavioral algorithms associated with social and genetic processes. Cats like valerian for a completely natural reason - it works as a friend or foe signal amplifier.

It sounds complicated, but in real life it looks much easier. It is enough for an animal to sniff a preparation containing actinidin, and its brain receives a signal about the close presence of representatives of a kindred tribe.

Valerian for cats is an impulse to the need to mark the territory, take a dominant position on it and show sexual desire.

The effect of valerian on cats: the similarity of the smells of felinin and actinidin

To understand the mechanics of the process in more detail, you need to remember such a component of cat marks as felinin. It is found in the urine of mature individuals and serves as a natural natural marker. The reason cats love valerian is precisely the similarity of two odorous aromas: felinin and actinidin.

Animals simply confuse them.

Well, the subsequent excitement is just a natural reaction of the body to the presence of a nearby cat. Instincts and behavioral stereotypes come into play.

The animal mechanically performs a ritual programmed by nature. With this, the effect of valerian on cats is almost the same in all cases.

Valerian acts on cats for a limited period of time. Due to the too high concentration of actinidin, it causes a violent reaction and rapidly takes away the strength of the animal, introducing it into a state of apathy and drowsiness.

Does it affect everyone the same: the effects of valerian on different cats

All animals react to the drug individually:

  • A third of cats do not feel the effect of valerian. For them, this is an ordinary smell, unremarkable and neutral. A kitten under the age of six months will not show interest in him either - he is still far from sexually mature instincts. Valerian will not impress Siamese cats. This breed does not react to actinidin odors.
  • Another 30% express an average degree of involvement - short-term activity is replaced by an equally quick rest and a return to normal behavior.
  • The rest of the group is a wild lunatic. Such cats should not be given valerian. The animal will have a lot of emotional stress and a long rest period.

The final group is at risk due to the "valerian hangover" syndrome. As soon as he comes to his senses, the cat will begin to look for the source of the remembered smell.

The active ingredient of valerian has a stronger effect on male cats. The fact is that the content of felinin in their urine is 4 times higher than in cats.

The behavior of cats after taking valerian: symptoms and consequences

Two categories tolerate contact with the drug quite neutrally, and they do not experience discomfort after the termination of its action. Representatives of the first group simply avoid the obsessive odor, while the latter easily tolerate both the active stressful phase and the passive exit from it.

It is worse for animals from the third group. It will not be difficult to drink such a cat with valerian. But to return it to its normal state, you will have to make an effort.

In addition to a long sleep, there will be:

  • symptoms of poisoning;
  • uncoordination of movements;
  • apathy, indifference to games and communication;
  • lack of interest in food or physical inability to absorb it.

Sometimes, due to the intake of valerian, aggressive habits develop and the character of the animal changes.

For cats, valerian is a drug of increased danger. It is risky to offer it to your pet without a good reason and appointment of a veterinarian.

Is it possible to give a cat valerian: medicine or poison

Much depends on the form of the drug. It is produced for humans, and therefore is available in 3 types: tincture, tablets and dry herb collection.

  1. If prescribed by a veterinarian, the cat is given a dried herbal composition - it is safer than others.
  2. In the absence of a decoction from the collection of dry herbs, valerian tablets are preferred. In this case, allergies and slight malaise are the most expected and harmless consequences. Therefore, if it is decided to give valerian tablets, it should be taken into account that the medicine includes synthetic components.
  3. The strongest effect will be if the cat is given valerian for alcohol. Cats do not have an enzyme that breaks down alcohol in their bodies, so addiction to ethyl will happen quickly. It is strictly forbidden to drink an alcohol solution of feline valerian. Even a small dose, received by them when licking, can have a devastating effect on the internal organs of the animal.

Valerian tablets in the cat must be ground into powder - if you give a whole piece, it will dissolve in the digestive tract for a long time.

The benefits of valerian

Useful valerian for cats only by prescription for the following medicinal purposes:

  • correction of thyroid disorders;
  • treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stimulation of the activity of the heart muscle;
  • (sometimes) stimulation of sexual activity in young animals during the first mating.

The benefits of valerian for a cat are clearly visible in stressful situations when transported over long distances: it calms the animal and makes it less susceptible to external irritating factors.

Valerian can have a calming effect on a cat.

Is valerian bad for cats?

Permanent negative effects of the drug are not registered. The harm or benefit of valerian for a cat is always determined by the individual characteristics of the body.

  • Some animals have swelling of the mucous membranes from the first application.
  • For male cats, valerian is more harmful due to excessive stimulation of sexual desire.

How much valerian can you give a cat

The amount of valerian that can be given to a cat is calculated based on its weight, size, physical condition, temperament, and diagnosis made by a veterinarian.

With self-treatment, the animal is not recommended to be out of sight until a full return to normal vigorous activity. Any deviation from the norm is considered with a negative assessment - even in small quantities, the effect of valerian on cats is unpredictable.

Before using the medicine, the animal should be fed. Giving a cat valerian on an empty stomach is strongly discouraged.

Overdose symptoms

The characteristic features of the negative effects of the drug are visible by external signs of behavior or by changes in habits:

  1. Toxic damage. Abundant salivation begins, foam appears around the mouth, vomiting and convulsions occur. The development of the process moves towards the respiratory organs and the heart muscle. Severe spasms and stroke are possible.
  2. Persistent aggression, rapid mood swings, changes in socialization markers. For a cat, valerian becomes the goal of an ongoing search, and its absence brings the animal out of psychological balance.
  3. Damage to internal organs. The first sign is blood in the urine and feces, manifestations of painful sensations. Often characterized by prolonged stomping in one place and purring. In this way, the animal independently produces an anesthetic hormone and tries to overcome physical suffering.

Any deviation from the standard behavior should be the reason for the immediate appeal to the veterinarian.

What can be replaced: a harmless alternative

It is not necessary to deprive your pet of the joy of short-term hormone production. Valerian does not have this quality alone - its substitutes act both more carefully and safer.

We are talking about plants that are informally united in the catnip group:

  • catnip;
  • budra;
  • odor ordinary.

Having found such a bush, cats begin to rub against it, trying to damage the stem and lick the odorous juice. But the harm of this liquid is incommensurable with the action of valerian, and the effect of excitation passes quickly and without consequences.

Catnip is often used as a toy filler or sold separately in pet stores. And if you buy it, you don't have to risk your pet's life to give him a couple of extra minutes of joy.

Cat owners at least once, but faced with the inexplicable behavior of their pets, directly related to valerian. This mild sedative of natural origin is found in almost every home. Valerian is not as harmless to cats as it is to humans. Even more - it causes a real storm of emotions, incomparable with any other means.

In the composition of valerian, biologists note a huge amount of essential oils and alkaloids. The main compound, actinidin, is similar in origin and aromatic properties to nepetalactone. These substances have a specific effect on the central nervous system domestic predators and their wild counterparts.

Valerian for cats, like catnip, which contain actinidin and nepetalactone, respectively, has an exciting effect.

The smell of plants attracts due to the fact that it is similar to the pheromones of sexually mature animals. Therefore, valerian must be hidden securely: the cat will try to overcome any obstacles.

If the cat has reached the source of the smell, then even a small drop of valerian tincture can cause a change in behavior. The emotional excitement caused by the aroma is replaced by the physical. There is a surge of hormones and the corresponding reaction of the body.

Effect on the cat's body

Having tried valerian, a normal, quite adequate cat at the usual time is able to fall into a state of extreme euphoria. The reaction, depending on the amount eaten, lasts 10-30 minutes and is very similar to a drug. It is believed that cats develop addiction quickly.

The pet has absolutely no control over its behavior. Obsessively seeks the source of valerian. Rolls on the floor, meows or purrs loudly. Makes a lot of chaotic movements. At this moment, the pupils of the cats dilate, they practically do not react to external stimuli.

In some cases, valerian can provoke:

  • aggression;
  • panic;
  • hallucinations.

Then the cat falls into a deep sleep. For many, anxiety increases after waking up.

Valerian for cats in small quantities acts as an antispasmodic. Especially if the problems are associated with the gastrointestinal tract. However, it is quite difficult to calculate the dosage that would work correctly at home.

In this regard, the use of pharmaceutical preparations of valerian for cats is justified if they have an appropriate mark allowing the use of medicine for cats, and a certificate of veterinary control.

Human medicines contain too much valerian. It should be borne in mind that the action of excipients that are neutral for people can be fatal for a beloved cat. Do not leave valerian in the public domain.

If a cat ate a pill, then an allergic reaction and a gastrointestinal upset are quite possible. In the case of alcohol tincture, everything is much more complicated. Alcohol is not broken down in the body of animals. Acute addiction arises literally from the first drop. The action of valerian in this form negatively affects the liver, kidneys, and psyche.

Is it possible to give valerian to cats

Is valerian bad for cats? The answer is quite ambiguous. In small quantities, it can reduce pain during the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, valerian is added to some sedative preparations for cats. There it is in an acceptable dosage and is not addictive. Excipients of veterinary drugs are neutral for cats and do not harm health.

In any case, their reception is possible only for therapeutic purposes. You must first consult with a specialist who will prescribe a dosage that is beneficial to the cat, and not vice versa.

It is strictly forbidden to give human medicines with valerian to pets. You should not experiment on a cat, for the sake of laughter, check the reaction to see what will happen to the animal. Even if their effect on a person is practically not noticeable, in a cat they can provoke irreversible changes in the psyche and behavior.

Do all cats love valerian?

Knowing how valerian affects cats, it becomes quite unusual that not all cats are equally excited by its smell.

Some breeds, for example, most Siamese cats (70%) do not react in any way to valerian.

Among other cats, about 30% are also indifferent to the smell of plant pheromones. The tendency to dependency is inherited and appears in kittens usually after 6 weeks of age. There are observations that if a cat does not respond to valerian, then fluffy babies will also grow up resistant to its effects.

At the same time, females are less susceptible to the action of valerian than males. In addition to the fact that they are not attracted to the smell, there are three times fewer addicts among cats.

The desire to have fun over your beloved cat, who rages after taking valerian, is just a harmless prank for many. In fact, the consequences can be much more serious than a temporary clouding of reason. The mechanism of action of the compounds on the cat brain is not fully understood. Frequent use causes them not only addiction, but also behavioral disorders, as well as irreversible mental problems.

We all have heard about the love of cats for valerian. For some, it was enough to watch a couple of funny videos on the Internet with cats gone crazy, while others begin to experience the funny effect of valerian on their own pets. But before experimenting on animals, it is worth understanding the question: is valerian harmful to cats?

What is valerian?

This drug can be freely bought at a pharmacy, and most often there are 3 types of it: valerian herb, tincture and tablets.

Valerian itself is a perennial herbaceous plant. The Latin name comes from lat. valere - to be healthy. However, this only applies to members of the human species. Valerian has a calming effect on a person, its extract is used to produce many sedatives that effectively help overcome insomnia.

Not the first generation uses useful properties natural sedative. It is believed that valerian was used for this purpose long before the development of modern pharmacology.

The highest content of the active substance is observed in the roots of the plant, from which the extract is obtained. Although this drug is of plant origin, not artificially synthesized at the factory, the tablets still contain ¾ of synthetic excipients, which will be important in a conversation about whether valerian is harmful to cats.

Why are cats and cats so attracted to valerian?

There are several versions why felines like the aroma of this drug so much. One of them is popular and most reliable: the smell of valerian reminds sexually mature animals of a similar aroma of pheromones secreted by cats during estrus. This excites the areas of the brain responsible for reproduction, which is manifested in the violent, sometimes inappropriate behavior of animals.

It is known that wild cats independently seek and use it, but not in order to obtain a narcotic effect, but to relieve pain associated with digestive problems.

Cat and cat: who likes more?

Which of the felines is more attracted to the smell of valerian? In fact, according to the theory that the smell of the extract is similar to pheromones, the greatest effect is observed in animals whose reproductive and hormonal systems work more actively.

To study this issue, an experiment was conducted, during which an unmistakable pattern was revealed: valerian does not attract kittens of both sexes in any form. This is explained by the fact that animals that have not reached puberty do not know about the existence of pheromones, their brain is not yet able to recognize such a signal. Therefore, they have nothing to associate with the smell of valerian. In this case, the question of whether valerian is dangerous for kittens disappears by itself.

As for adult animals, neutered cats are also indifferent to the extract. But young, sexually mature cats and cats that have not undergone a castration and sterilization procedure react very actively. It's time to figure out if it's bad for a cat to give valerian.

The effect of valerian on cats

Despite the fact that in human pharmacology valerian is used as a sedative, on cats and cats the effect is completely opposite. Often, due to lack of awareness, people give their pets this drug in case of transportation, hoping that they will be able to calm the animal and help him sleep. However, from a small dose, cats, on the contrary, become more excited. An overdose can cause a long deep sleep or even death.

Is valerian harmful to cats in small doses, how does their behavior change?

Animals become more agitated than usual. They can arrange a pogrom in the house, run and jump, attack a non-existent enemy, which is explained by ordinary hallucinations. The character of your pet changes beyond recognition. An early calm and cute cat can prove to be an incredible brawler. Not only furniture and interior elements will suffer, but also family members. The effect will last from several minutes to an hour, after which the tired animal will fall into a dream, restoring strength. In this description, one can easily draw an analogy with the behavior of drug addicts.

In addition to all this, in valerian tincture, ethyl alcohol occupies most of the volume. The body of cats is not able to process alcohol. For this reason, animals become addicted literally "from the first glass." In addition, if you overdo it with a dose or pamper your cat with alcohol too often, his liver may not be able to cope at all. You will have to resort to the help of veterinarians and expensive treatment.

Is valerian dangerous for cats in heat?

When your kitty is sexually aroused and ready to mate, her sensitivity is greatly increased. The natural impulse for many owners would be to give the cat some relaxing tincture, which is fundamentally the wrong decision. The already strong tension is worsened by an invigorating extract, the pet can endure such manipulations extremely poorly.

Even if it is not possible to provide her with a mating cat, it is better to wait out this moment without any medication. From valerian, the cat will become even more active, and the nightly “meows” will not let you fall asleep. If you do not plan to breed kittens, it is better to carry out the sterilization procedure altogether.

It is also worth figuring out whether valerian is harmful to neutered cats. As mentioned earlier, this drug is of greatest interest in animals with maximum sexual activity. Since castrated cats are not interested in mating, for them the smell of valerian is even unpleasant and not at all attractive, although there are exceptions everywhere. In any case, you should not give the extract to cats on your own.

As for kittens, their body is most sensitive to toxic substances, so giving valerian is dangerous for their lives.

Speaking about how harmful valerian is for cats, it is worth remembering that not only the extract itself is dangerous in valerian tincture, but also ethyl alcohol. With pills, the situation is even worse. In addition to the active substance, the pills contain auxiliary synthetic chemical compounds that can affect the animal's body in a completely unpredictable way.

The danger for your pet is that this drug is highly addictive. If a cat can get to a vial of valerian or pills, he is unlikely to leave them alone. Your pet will turn into a tireless beggar who will not calm down until you provide him with the coveted "dose".

Cures or heals?

Veterinarians still cannot agree on whether valerian is harmful to cats. In large quantities, it has an irreparable effect on the nervous system, but in a small dosage it can be a real medicine.

Doctors often prescribe valerian to animals to treat heart failure, gastrointestinal spasms, or other digestive problems.

It is important to remember that only an experienced doctor can calculate the desired dosage. On the question of whether valerian is harmful to cats, the opinion of all veterinarians is the same - it is unacceptable to give valerian to a cat on your own. If necessary, consult a specialist.

Safe Ways to Use Valerian

By following the advice of veterinarians, you can still test your pet's reaction to this interesting substance. It is important to be careful not to overdo it with the amount. The maximum that you can do to please the cat is to grease a plate or floor with 1-2 drops and watch. If you are the owner of a young, unneutered cat, then he will most likely lick this place and rub against it with his whole body.

Valerian can even help you train your cat to scratch.

To do this, it is also necessary to lubricate the surface with a couple of drops of tincture. After such a procedure, the scratching post will become your pet's favorite toy. So you protect your furniture from regular attacks by the sharp claws of the animal.

Valerian can be purchased at any pharmacy. This drug is sold either in tablets or as a tincture of alcohol. This medicine is prescribed to a person as a sedative. But on cats, valerian has a completely opposite effect.

How do cats react to this medication and why?

In addition to the name under which this medicinal plant is familiar to everyone (medicinal valerian), it also has popular names: cat root, moun grass, cat grass. All the names of this plant are related to cats. This is due to the effect of the plant on these animals. They instantly react to the smell of valerian, which they hear from afar. It acts on cats, unlike people, extremely exciting. Having reached the plant, the animals try to damage it and lick the juice, after which they begin to roll on the ground, jump, wallow, accompanying these actions with a loud meow.

If the cat is allowed to sniff the cork from the vial from under the valerian, then he will begin to lick it greedily, and when trying to pick it up, he shows aggression. After that, he will begin to behave as described above, but after ten to fifteen minutes the animal will calm down and begin to behave as usual.

The reason for this reaction is that the smell of the plant is somewhat similar to the smell of pheromones contained in the urine of a cat ready to mate. Therefore, valerian affects mainly cats in this way.

Another reason is that valerian root contains the substance actinidin, which smells like the essential oil nepetalactone. Nepetalactone is found in catnip, an herb that cats love.

Veneration of the cat in ancient Egypt - interesting facts

Why is valerian bad for pets?

Valerian is contraindicated for cats, because it acts like a drug. If you give a cat this medicine at least once, it will provoke a kind of addiction in him. The pet begins to look for this drug everywhere. If the animal finds the bubble, it is able to break it. In this case, sad consequences are inevitable - firstly, there is a danger that the cat will get hurt on a broken vial, and secondly, he risks dying from an overdose.

Overdose symptoms: loss of coordination, limb failure, convulsions, foaming at the mouth. If the cat nevertheless got to the container with the drug and lapped up the contents, the situation should not be allowed to take its course: it is urgent to call a veterinarian or take the pet to a veterinary clinic.

The amount of drug at which an overdose occurs has not been established - it depends on the individual reaction of the body of each animal individually. If you give a cat valerian often, he becomes lethargic, starts to feel bad. This is due to the action of alcohol, which is contained in the tincture. Alcohol destroys the cat's body and threatens the animal with the occurrence of various diseases, and can even lead to death.

Owners of cats and cats are often interested in the question that concerns valerian tablets: is it possible to give them to cats. It is impossible, because valerian tablets are more potent, and, therefore, more dangerous than drops. The reason is that the chemical composition of the tablets is very different from the drops. One tablet contains only a quarter of valerian, the remaining components are excipients that contain a lot of chemicals, and therefore can cause severe allergic reactions. If the pet has eaten several tablets and is in a sleepy state, it is necessary to urgently seek veterinary help.

Cats often react to the smell of the medicine in a neutral way. But during the period when the female asks for a cat, the stimulating effect of valerian on her is also possible. In this case, the effect is superior to that which the medicine produces on the cat. The cat can become uncontrollable, show aggression. Therefore, during estrus, a cat should not be given valerian, even for medicinal purposes.

When doctors prescribe this remedy for pets

Despite the fact that valerian is harmful for cats and cats, sometimes veterinarians prescribe it to animals in a small dose as a medicine.

If the cat is lazy, passive, suffers from lack of appetite, he is prescribed this medicine to increase his vitality.

Noticing the craving of their fluffy pet for valerian, the owners are concerned about the question: “How much valerian can you give a cat?”. Other owners, knowing its calming effect on people, ask if it is possible to calm the animal by giving it a pill or tincture. Let's take a look at this important issue.

How does the drug work on people and animals?

Valerian is widely used as a sedative drug for insomnia, nervous conditions for people. But in animals, the drug works in a completely different way. By the way, dogs do not react in any way to the smell of valerian. But the cat family has a different reaction to the smell:

  • euphoria;
  • drowsiness;
  • indifference;
  • rampage.

If you give a cat valerian, the cat starts rolling on the floor, rubbing against the place where the tincture was. And if you leave the vial at the disposal of the animal, then it will continuously lick it, gnaw on the lid.

Sometimes a cat immediately falls into a long sleep, which can last all day. This reaction is often caused by the action of alcohol. After all, the weight of a cat is only a few kilograms, so even a small amount of alcohol is intoxicating.

It should be noted that not all cats react to the smell of valerian. This is especially observed in cats and kittens that have not reached puberty.

Having used even a few drops of valerian tincture, cats can become violent. It is impossible to calm them down, bring them to their senses until the effect of the medicine ends. In this state, cats rush around the apartment, tear the wallpaper on the walls, hang on the curtains. But the greatest danger is that they can, for inexplicable reasons, pounce on people, cling to the face.

What explains the reaction to valerian?

One explanation for why even a single drop affects the cat breed, even the smell of a vial standing nearby, is the alcohol dependence that arises from a few drops taken once.

Another explanation for that interesting fact that the drug attracts more cats than cats is as follows. It is believed that their smell is associated with sex hormones emanating from cats.

The danger of valerian for cats

For some people, the behavior of animals after eating valerian causes laughter, and they offer valerian to cats for fun. Even a single drop of valerian to a cat is harmful to the pet they love..

Veterinarians have long been calling not to give valerian to cats in any form, under any pretext. Even a small dose of valerian for a cat will not calm her down before the road, during sexual arousal. If the cat was given the drug repeatedly, and as they say, nothing happened, then he has already formed an alcohol addiction that is destructive to the body of the minke whale. The valerian tablet is also harmful to animals because it contains various additional substances. And it is not known what allergic reaction will follow after taking the pill. And veterinary care may not have time to save a pet that has fallen with foam from the mouth, with convulsions.

It is important to know! Valerian should not be given to cats at all, in any form..

