Yandex safe internet. Step-by-step instructions for removing DNS Unlocker. What DNS does the router itself receive?

and Good day... Many sites on the Internet are unsafe. In other words, infected. Which, accordingly, can penetrate your computer. Sometimes even trusted resources contain malicious code. In today's article about how to properly configure secure Internet from Yandex - YandexDNS.

This is a free service from Yandex for using the Internet in a safe manner. This service filters and blocks sites on which malicious code is installed.Thanks to the YandexDNS service, you can protect your computer from viruses on websites.

Protect your children from adult sites and fraudulent sites. If you try to open such a resource, the YandexDNS service will instantly stop downloading data to the computer and give the user a warning.Using this service, the user will be able to enjoy safe surfing. Yandex has a huge database of various sites on the World Wide Web. Accordingly, sites with malicious code will be blocked.

When you enable the Yandex DNS filter, your children will always be protected from “adult” sites. Fraudulent sites will be blocked, and sites with viruses even more so. Official website of YandexDNS

DNS (Domain Name System) means domain name system. In simple words, an Internet address book for obtaining information about a site. First of all, the name of a site on the Internet consists not only of characters of the Latin alphabet, but also has a digital address

The Yandex domain name is “”, and its address is “”. That is, after entering a domain name into the address bar, the browser will look for the digital address. Every time a user visits a web page, the browser accesses the DNS system and looks for its address there. The speed of transition to the site will depend on how close the DNS server is to your computer.

Yandex has more than 80 DNS servers located in Russia and abroad. Processing user requests to sites is processed by the DNS server closest to it. Accordingly, with YandexDNS, sites will open faster in the “Basic” mode, and the Yandex DNS system uses its own and Sophos technologies.

How to properly configure secure Internet from Yandex - YandexDNS

Modes of operation on the safe Internet from Yandex - YandexDNS

  • “Basic” - there is no traffic filtering, sites are not blocked, and accordingly this increases Internet speed
  • “Basic”—traffic filtering goes to virus sites and fraudulently
  • “Family” - filters traffic to dangerous sites and sites for adults

IP addresses of the Yandex DNS service

Most often, protocol 4 (TCP/IPv4) settings are used on the computer...

How to properly configure secure Internet from Yandex - YandexDNS in Windows 10

You need to go to the “Control Panel”. To do this, click on the “Start” shortcut with the right mouse button once. A context menu will open, now select “Control Panel”...

Open the “View network status and tasks” tab...

Then you need to select your connection type (wired or wireless)...

Next, right-click on the selected connection. Then select "Properties". In the window that opens, go to the “Network” tab. Then select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”. Click on the "Properties" button.

In the next window, select “Use the following DNS server addresses”...

After all that has been done, enter the addresses of the Yandex DNS mode you have chosen in the “Preferred DNS server” and “Alternative DNS server” fields. Next, save the changes by clicking on the “Ok” button.


The YandexDNS service is used to protect your computer from fraudulent sites, sites with malicious code, dangerous and unwanted sites, and sites for adults. Filters traffic, blocks advertisements for adult sites, and blocks bots.

With the development of the Internet, users have an incredible number of opportunities. Now everyone can use a computer or other device with access to a network filled with various resources for their own purposes. The World Wide Web has given us a lot of entertainment, opportunities to find the necessary information in a matter of seconds, communication, self-development, learning, earning money in various ways, etc. And everything would be fine, but it was not without side effects. The Internet has also opened up ways for attackers to deceive in various forms. Since today access to the Internet is available to everyone, including children, it is worth taking care of the security of the devices from which the connection is made. There are a lot of scammers and other pests, and the Internet is also teeming with dangerous content and “adult” materials. Adequate parents are trying with all their might to protect their young children from such misfortunes, and everyone knows about “parental control”, intended just for such cases.

Working with Yandex DNS on different devices.

As you know, the option integrated into Microsoft operating systems is a fairly useful tool, but all the settings come down to restrictions and prohibitions on the child visiting certain resources, although modern children even manage to disable the protection, causing bewilderment to their parents. A more advanced version of “parental control” is offered by Yandex. A service called Yandex DNS will protect against the influence of dangerous, virus-infected resources, protect against bots, which are tools for attackers, will protect children from sites with pornographic content or other 18+ content, and will also speed up work with sites and will be useful for adult users. In this case, the user does not have to delve into the settings for a long time. Let's take a closer look at what the service is, how to configure it on different devices, and how to disable Yandex.DNS if protection is no longer required.

DNS (Domain Name System) - literally translated as a domain name system. The free service from a well-known Russian developer is an address book containing the digital addresses of all sites. When opening websites, the Internet browser finds their “place of residence” in the DNS, thus, the speed of access to the resource depends on the speed of the nearest server. A tool from Yandex with the ability to select a filtering level allows you to safely visit various sites, since those that contain malicious code or unwanted content will be blocked. You can configure the service for different devices individually, as well as for a router, while protecting all devices connected to your home network.

There are three Yandex.DNS operating modes available for selection:

  • Basic, providing speed and reliability ( and;
  • Safe, protecting from scammers and virus threats ( and;
  • Family, protecting from 18+ materials ( and

The service works as follows:

  • Increased speed. Yandex owns more than 80 DNS servers located in Russia and abroad. Requests are processed by the server located closest to the user, which is why websites open much faster with the use of the Yandex.DNS service;
  • Protection from sites with dangerous content. Yandex.DNS will protect you from sites that can infect your device and from scammers who extract money from accounts, passwords and other data. When you go to the site, a service equipped with its own antivirus will prevent the download and display a warning message on the screen. The antivirus operates based on Yandex algorithms and Sophos technology;
  • Protection from malicious bots. In addition to sites trying to inject a virus into your computer, another threat is thriving on the Internet - bots that, by penetrating the device’s system, control it. These programs organize networks of devices of unsuspecting users in order to attack servers, steal passwords and send spam messages. To perform their service, bots connect to the servers that control them, while Yandex.DNS prevents communication with the controlling servers, so that even if the device is infected, the service can cut off the oxygen to the pests. Information about the activation of bots is shared with the service by the Virus Tracker system;
  • Protection from 18+ content. Yandex.DNS protects the youngest users from adult information. Thanks to Yandex search algorithms, web resources containing such content will be identified and not allowed to be viewed.

Setting up Yandex.DNS on your computer

Setting up the service is not complicated and does not require special knowledge and skills from the user. Following the instructions, even a beginner can cope with the task. For a computer connected to the network via an Ethernet cable (twisted pair) or the only device where configuration needs to be done, the method of changing DNS in the network settings is suitable. On different operating systems the actions are slightly different, but the principle is the same. Let's look at how to set up Yandex.DNS on a desktop computer or laptop:

  • Go to the Network and Sharing Center through the Control Panel;
  • In the menu on the left, find and click “Change adapter settings”;
  • You can also go to settings via Start (right mouse click) – Network connections – Configure adapter settings;
  • Depending on the type of connection to the network, on the corresponding shortcut (local or wireless network connection), right-click the manipulator to display the context menu, where we click “Properties”;
  • In the new window, select IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click “Properties”;
  • We put a marker in the “Use the following IP address” column and enter the preferred DNS below, for example, 77.88.8. (Family mode);
  • Click OK.

After these manipulations, the computer will be protected from malicious sites and adult portals.

Sometimes the service is overzealous with protection; you may not be able to access those sites whose security level the filter did not consider sufficient for visiting the resource. Or you decided to open access to the “strawberry”, and Yandex. DNS blocks your computer from visiting such sites. You can always remove filtering by performing the reverse manipulations of activating the service. In the properties of the connection protocol, simply remove the checkbox from the “Use the following IP address” item and move it to the “Obtain an IP address automatically” column. You can also remove one filtering mode and install another by removing the entered numbers and entering those that correspond to the desired Yandex.DNS mode.

On modern mobile devices, changing DNS parameters is also available. Setting up Yandex.DNS on Android is easy:

  • Let's move on to the Wi-fi settings (the smartphone menu may differ slightly depending on the firmware version, but in general the actions are similar for different OS variations);
  • We look for an active access point, press and hold;
  • In the menu that appears, select the “Change network” function;
  • Place a marker next to the “Advanced settings” item, go down and select “DHCP”, after which we activate the “Static” mode;
  • Find “DNS 1” and enter Yandex DNS(numbers of the filtering mode you selected);
  • We save the result.

Disabling the Yandex DNS service is done in the reverse way.

Configuring Yandex.DNS on a Wi-fi wireless adapter

Setting up a filtering service is easy on a router. After the procedure, the specified filters will apply to all devices connected to this network. The settings may differ depending on the router model, but the operating principle is the same:

  • Open device settings;
  • We go through authorization (enter login/password);
  • Go to Network settings (Network - WAN);
  • Check “Use These DNS Servers”;
  • Specify the preferred and alternative DNS and save the settings;
  • Reboot the device.

Disabling Yandex.DNS on the router is just as easy. To do this, you need to uncheck the “Use These DNS Servers” item and remove the entered Yandex addresses, if any servers were registered there before making changes, return those numbers to the fields, then save the parameters. Interestingly, Yandex also releases firmware for some router models, which already contains all the necessary settings.

Checking the operation of Yandex.DNS

Perhaps after completing the settings, you will want to make sure that the service is working and that the device is truly safe and your child is under control. It is very easy to check whether the service functions in practice. Just go, for example, to a site with “strawberry” (if Family mode is selected). Instead of the portal content, you will see a message from Yandex.DNS telling you about adult content and prohibiting the display of pages with such content. The service is quite good and cases of access to a resource that does not have any hint of villainy in the form of a virus or pornography are rare. The settings are simple and can be done without the use of third-party software. And most importantly, with the help of Yandex.DNS you can protect your own devices, as well as those of your children, from virus attacks + protect minors from information they do not need.

A DNS server is a service that, based on a site's IP address, provides its alphabetic name. It is necessary for stable operation Internet networks. There is also such a thing as MDNS. This is essentially one computer network that accepts broadcast requests from various hosts, and in return issues an address for everyone.

How it works

If there are DNS servers in every company, then it is logical to assume that there are also public ones. They are registered under different large companies. For example, Google or Yandex. Benefits of public DNS is that they work around the clock and without interruption. This is due to the fact that corporations have backup servers.

Using public addresses allows users be sure that the communication channel will be stable. That is, if the client’s equipment from the provider that provided their DNS servers suddenly stops working, then an excellent alternative is Google or Yandex.

The second important factor is that the level of public servers is much higher compared to a local provider.

Yandex DNS

Yandex Corporation offers its public addresses at a tariff. The table below provides a description of Internet filters.

Protocols DNS Base Safe Family
IPv4 Primary
IPv4 Secondary
IPv6 Primary 2a02:6b8::feed:0ff 2a02:6b8::feed:bad 2a02:6b8::feed:a11
IPv6 Secondary 2a02:6b8:0:1::feed:0ff 2a02:6b8:0:1::feed:bad 2a02:6b8:0:1::feed:a11

You may notice that Yandex immediately offers options for the modern IP protocol version 6.

Let's consider What's the Difference between these three modes.

  1. « Base" Minimal functionality. Performs only DNS server functions;
  2. « Safe" Based on the name, it offers additional protection for the user’s workstation from scammers, bots and various phishing attacks;
  3. « Family" You can call it the full version. To all of the above are added the functions of blocking web resources and advertisements that contain erotic or pornographic content.

For the most well-known router models (Asus, ZyXel, TP-Link), vendors have released firmware adapted for Yandex.DNS. That is, after the initial setup of a network device, the user, when connecting to the Internet, will use public addresses from Yandex.

Google public DNS

Google addresses look like this:

Google doesn't offer any additional features or separate pricing. The user simply enters these addresses, and the workstation automatically starts using them.

Other servers

In addition to the above services, there are other equally well-known public sites.


One of the original ones is Cisco Umbrella or the better known name OpenDNS.

Addresses, which users can use: preferred - and alternative -

Full portal on English language . There are separate instructions on how to configure addresses on the equipment. The web resource can block sites with erotic content and protects against certain types of network attacks.

Available paid and free rates. The difference is in functionality and data transfer speed. OpenDNS also provides the ability to independently configure a content filter to suit the user’s tasks.


The third, no less famous project is Level3DNS. It provides the addresses: and

The company is a well-known provider, which means they have servers that keep DNS services running smoothly. The functionality is almost the same as OpenDNS. Tariff plans available for both personal (home) use and corporate clients. The provider registers all outgoing requests from users in its database.


The next project is DNS.Watch. One of the service representatives who does not register user requests. To use it no registration required, unlike the above. It offers options at both IP version 4 and version 6 levels.

Unfortunately, for Russian consumers there is a significant drawback - long delay when accessing: over 100 ms.

List of addresses: and

Comodo Secure DNS

Another representative on the market of public DNS addresses is Comodo Secure DNS. This is one of the projects of the famous antivirus software supplier - Comodo.

List of addresses: and

There are many functions available on the site other than DNS, but most of them require payment. The domain name service itself is free.


And the last project on the list is Sky DNS. This is the representative Russian market public addresses.

Exists four main directions: for home use, for schoolchildren, for the corporate segment and separately for providers. The service is paid, but a test mode is available for 15 calendar days. To use SkyDNS services you need to register.

For each direction, the portal has developed its own rules and filters.

How to set up a DNS server

Below you will find instructions for different operating systems on how to configure and enable DNS servers. Disabling occurs in exactly the same way, but in this case we delete the addresses.

Settings in Windows 8, 8.1, 10

In the lower right corner, click on the sign, as shown in the screenshot below, using the right mouse button.

In the window that opens, select the item marked in red. This is the name of the local network on the workstation.

Next, select the item “ Properties».

Mark the protocol with the left mouse button, and then click on “ Properties».

A dialog box will open in which you will need to indicate DNS addresses manually.

As an example, data from Google Corporation was used.

After that, close all windows using the “ OK».

Now you need to call command line(key combination Win+R, then type the command “cmd”). We write in it the following: ipconfig /flushdns. The command will update the DNS cache, which will allow you to use Google addresses without restarting your computer. If nothing has changed, then the workstation will still have to be rebooted.

Changing Settings in Windows 7

On a PC running Windows 7, the principle of operation is exactly the same. The only difference is system interface, which are slightly different from 8.1 or 10 versions.

After entering the DNS server addresses, be sure to run the command to clear the DNS cache. This was discussed in the previous section.

Settings on MacOS

The appearance of the MacOS operating system differs from the familiar Windows interface. We will attach screenshots to the instructions below to make the principle of operation clearer. As an example, addresses from SkyDns are used.

Click on the apple icon in the upper right corner, then “”.

The control panel will open. Select the section " Net».

Further consider two options. The first is that the user is using an AirPort wireless connection. Click on it and select “ Additionally».

In the new window, select the “DNS” tab and enter the required address.

The second option is that the client uses a wired connectionEthernet. Let's choose it.

As you can see from the screenshot above, the fields are immediately available to the user to fill out. Enter the required address. We also close the window with “OK”.

After all operations are completed, the workstation it is recommended to reboot.

Changing servers on Android

Let's now move on to mobile platforms. On the device, open the settings and go to the “ Wi-Fi" Select the required wireless connection.

The control panel will open. Select “IP Settings”.

Install static address.

A window will appear on the screen of your mobile device wireless connection settings. Enter the required public addresses.

Changing DNS on iOS

On a mobile device running iOS, you can also change addresses manually. Opening Phone settings, and select the “Wi-Fi” section.

Click on the icon next to the wireless connection, as shown in the screenshot below.

Will open configuration window. Select the “DNS” item and enter the required address.

This completes the setup. Exit the menu and reconnect via Wi-Fi.

Registering addresses on the router

If you also need to change parameters on the router, then first you need to go to control Panel via any browser. The solution is discussed using the example of the TP-Link TL-WR841N router. Next, select the “Network” section, “ WAN».

The screenshot shows the fields where you need to register public DNS servers. We indicate them. Next, press the button “ Save" The router must now be rebooted for the changes to take effect. Settings for all routers are identical, only minor differences in the interface.

IN Lately, in connection with the mass blocking of file-sharing torrent trackers and other unwanted Internet resources, the topic of using publicly available free public DNS servers, which are an excellent alternative to provider ones, has become relevant. The second reason for their use is private problems with the provider’s DNS. Large telecom operators such as Rostelecom, Beeline or, as a rule, do not have this. But small providers or home networks often experience crashes and denials of service. This usually happens due to savings on equipment and the use of old, almost “dead” hardware.
The third reason why you should try public DNS servers is usually faster operation and response speed. Not every provider’s server responds as quickly as Google or Yandex. Well, the last, fourth reason is that many third-party services filter phishing sites, malicious and fraudulent resources, and some also have erotica with pornography.

Here are the most full list public free domain name servers:

Google Public DNS

Free public servers from the world's largest media giant, Google:
DNS for IPv4:

Servers for IPv6:

2001:4860:4860::8888 2001:4860:4860::8844


Fast and reliable DNS service. It is possible to use safe and child filters

Secure - Block phishing and fraudulent sites:

Family - Blocking sites for adults, erotica and pornography:

Norton ConnectSafe

A separate service from Symantec Corporation, a security company for over 20 years.
The following public free DNS servers are available.

Without filtering:

Safe (filter for malware, phishing and fraudulent sites):

Safe plus without pornography:

Family (safe, no porn, erotica and adult sites):

Comodo Secure DNS
Another player developing its solutions in the computer security market is Comodo. It also has its own special service of free public servers.

Other public domain name servers

Cisco Systems:

SkyDNS Service:


DNS Advantage:

Verizon Level 3 Communications:



One Connect IP:


VRx Network Services:



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How to remove DNS Unlocker adware virus? Are you having problems with a virus that changes your home page, displays ads in your browser and changes the DNS address of your Internet connection? We'll show you how to remove it manually, step by step.

DNS Unlocker is an extremely annoying Adware-type program; not only does it display ads and make using the browser much more difficult, but it also changes the Internet connection settings and DNS addresses in the network card settings. It is difficult to ignore, and it is unsafe to leave it on the computer, as it can cause harm Windows system. So, how to get rid of it and where to look for it on the disk.

Attention! We recommend that you complete all the steps, because if even one message about DNS Unlocker remains, then after restarting the computer, the virus will spread again in the Windows system. Even if it does not appear in some places described in the following steps, you should definitely double-check its presence with the MalwareBytes AntiMalware program. Skipping some steps will cause the virus to spread quickly, so before restarting your computer you need to make sure that all links to it have been removed.

Before starting treatment, you should close all browsers.

Step 1: Uninstall DNS Unlocker from Control Panel

Let's start from the very beginning simple way– removing DNS Unlocker from the Control Panel. Go to the Start menu and launch Control Panel (if you have Windows 8.1 / 10, you can find it through the search bar). Then go to Programs>Uninstall programs.

Wait a bit until a list of all programs installed on your computer opens. Find the line with DNS Unlocker in the list, highlight it and click the “Delete” button.

Step 2: Removing the DNS address in the network adapter settings

DNS Unlocker is not such a simple malware that only changes the home page in the browser. This virus also makes adjustments to the Internet connection parameters, namely, in the network card settings, it changes the addresses of DNS servers. They must be removed manually.

Open Control Panel, then go to Network and Sharing Center. In this section, select “Change adapter settings” from the side menu on the left side. All network connections installed on the computer are displayed here. Usually in this window you will find two shortcuts - Ethernet (connection via network cable) and Wi-Fi card.

Right-click on the network card that connects your computer to the Internet and select “Properties.” In the list of network card protocols, look for the item “Internet Protocol version 4 TCP/IPv4”. Select it and click on the “Properties” button.

In the new window, find the section responsible for DNS server addresses (at the bottom). Typically, DNS Unlocker changes DNS addresses to the following:

If these addresses are listed here, you need to delete them. Let's not close this window. Click on the “Advanced” button and go to the DNS tab.
You also need to check whether any other DNS addresses are registered. There may be, among others, the address of the provider, so before deleting, write them down in a notepad if you are not sure which of them is responsible for the connection to the Internet. If there are no DNS addresses, return to the previous window and check the “Obtain DNS server address automatically” checkbox and confirm the change with the “OK” button.

Step 3: Remove DNS Unlocker entries in Registry Editor

DNS Unlocker can add its entries to the Windows system registry. Therefore, it must be checked. To do this, press the Windows + R key combination, then in the window that opens, enter the regedit command to enter the registry editor.

In the main editor menu, go to the "Edit" tab and then "Find". Enter “dns unlocker” or just part of this combination of words, for example, “unlocker” into the search box. If the search results in records that clearly point to DNS Unlocker, delete them. Continue searching to the end using F3 or “Find Next.” Then close the Registry Editor.

Step 4: Check your browser shortcuts

Most often, adware-type malware modifies browser shortcuts. In this case, DNS Unlocker doesn't do anything like that, but it's still worth checking before launching the browser. There are cases that with the help of this virus, in addition to ads by DNS Unlocker, another “pest” can infiltrate.

Right-click on the browser shortcut on your desktop, and then go to properties. If the shortcut is pinned to the Windows Taskbar, hold down the Shift key on your keyboard before right-clicking.

In the browser shortcut properties, pay attention to the “Object” field. The entry must end with a ".exe" file. If, however, something is added there (for example, the address of a web page or some code), then it must be deleted. To confirm the changes, click on “OK”. Do not launch the browser until you have completed all the steps.

Step 5: Clear your browser of DNS Unlocker remnants

Its presence in the browser can be determined by the signature in the Ads by DNS Unlocker advertising blocks.
In this step, you need to clear all changes that DNS Unlocker may have made to your browser settings. We'll show you how to do this in Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer browsers.


Launch your browser and then enter:


A page with DNS settings will appear on the screen. Opposite the “Host resolver cache” item, click on “Clear host cache”. Then press CTRL + H to go to your browsing history. Click on the “Clear browsing history” button and delete it for all time (only uncheck the “Passwords” option so as not to delete saved passwords).


In the Firefox browser, click on the button with three lines, and then go to Settings. In settings, go to the "Privacy" tab and click the "clear your recent history" button. In the time range, select All, and then in Details, check all items.

Internet Explorer

Launch the IE browser, and then from the Tools menu in the top right corner, select Internet Options. On the General tab, find the Browsing History section, then click Delete and check all but Password and Web Form Data. Confirm the deletion by clicking the "Delete" button.

After cleaning your browsers manually, everything should be fine and ads by DNS Unlocker will no longer appear on your computer. If you want to make sure that the virus is completely removed, run the MalwareBytes AntiMalware program to scan your computer.

Fuel system