Beautiful places in India. Indian style wallpapers Indian girls wallpapers

Exotic Indian style is incredibly rich and original, luxurious and harmonious, bright and original. It is based on expensive furniture with complex wooden carvings, colorful textiles and handmade accessories. All this splendor is united by a variety of ornaments and patterns. The Indian style wallpaper catalog includes dynamic solutions in rich colors:

  • turquoise;
  • yellow;
  • terracotta;
  • ocher;
  • rich purple;
  • burgundy;
  • graphite;
  • chocolate and milk;
  • hints of spices and precious stones;
  • peach;
  • amber;
  • muted pink.

You can buy wallpaper in Indian style, imitating textured plaster or decorated with gilded ornaments, with laconic floral motifs or themed Indian designs.

Features of Indian wallpaper style

Wallpaper in Indian style in the interior can be monochrome or decorated. Most often, combinations of canvases of various textures and themes are used - monochrome ones are combined with textured ones or with elements imitating textiles and wooden panels.

The Indian style wallpaper in the photo represents holiday paints and elegance of ornaments. They do not have to be saturated - light shades are also fully capable of reflecting all the grace of this style. Do not forget that the furniture upholstery and wallpaper should be in harmony - against a dark background, light carved furniture will look especially elegant. Indian style is a celebration of taste in its visual embodiment. Therefore, the catalog of Indian-style wallpaper with photos in the interior offers us rich tones of spices combined with winning milky colors. And canvases reminiscent of colorful textiles or rich carpets will bring a special flavor to the room. A maharaja's palace or a simple hut overlooking a garden - any of these interior design methods would be appropriate in a modern country house or spacious apartment. Pay attention to the collection of Gothic style wallpapers - perhaps you will find your own version. If your living space does not have any free space, then use recognizable shades and bright coloristic inserts. Patterned and luxurious canvases are welcome here, with ornate plant-themed ornaments or neutral stripes through which the design seems to slip through. And background materials can be more or less embossed.

This is how Mark Twain described India in 1897, and it is unlikely that anyone can say better about this country. Many years have passed, but in many ways these words still remain relevant. If you are bored with the beaches of Turkey, Egypt and the Maldives, you are fed up with the “monotonous” Europe, and you suddenly want new, sharp and vivid impressions, then you can safely go on a trip to India. It’s not a fact that you’ll like India, but it certainly won’t leave you indifferent, and besides, you’ll bring back quite a few interesting and vivid photographs from this trip that will stay with you for the rest of your life. One of the greats said, if India has been in your life at least once, then you will have something to remember on sleepless nights, and besides, your photographs of India will be nearby. In this section I have collected, in my opinion, the most interesting and beautiful photographs of India that I took while traveling around the country.

India photos

Place: Agra - Taj Mahal Date: February 2012.

Agra, along with Delhi and Jaipur, forms the golden triangle, the most famous and popular tourist destination in India. In the 16th and 17th centuries, Agra was the seat of the Mughal rulers until the capital was moved to Delhi.

In the afternoon there are a huge number of tourists at the Taj Mahal. There are even more Indians than foreigners. There are long queues to watch. And this is the case when I did not regret taking a guide. He walked me through all the queues. It turns out that foreigners are not in line for inspection. It’s not for nothing that we pay tens of times more than locals for a ticket.

The Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore called the Taj Mahal a tear on the cheek of eternity.

Place: Agra - Red Fort Date: February 2012.

Red Fort of Agra. The fort was built in 1565 and is surrounded by 20 meter walls. The fortress is one of the symbols of the power and splendor of the Mughal Empire.

Red Fort of Agra. Entrance gate of the fort.

Jahangiri Mahal is the largest structure in the complex, just like the fort, it is built of red sandstone.

Jahangiri Mahal consists of buildings, galleries, courtyards and underground prisons. The palace was the main harem.

Divan-i-Aam was erected by Shah Jahan, the ruler of the world, and was a hall of public audiences.

Khas Mahal - imperial apartments, including a bedroom, living room and prayer hall. The prayer hall and bedroom are separated by a carved latticework in the form of the scales of justice and a crescent moon with stars.

Place: Sarnath Date: February 2012.

Sarnath is one of the four sacred places associated with Buddha Shakyamuni. Here in the Deer Park Buddha around 530 BC. preached his first sermon in which he formulated the Four Noble Truths. Sarnath is a place of pilgrimage for Buddhists all over the world.

A Bodhi tree grown from a sprout of a sacred tree taken from Anaradhapura in Sri Lanka in 1893.

Buddhist monk praying at Dhamek stupa. Dhamek Stupa is considered to be one of the places where Buddha delivered his first sermon.

Jain temple and Dhamek stupa against the backdrop of the ruins of Sarnath.

Place: Varanasi Date: February 2012.

Varanasi is the holiest Hindu city. City of light, life and death. It is said to be so filled with spiritual power that even the stones underfoot are considered holy. Every Hindu should make a pilgrimage here and swim in the holy Ganges at least once in his life. And finishing your life’s journey here and thereby breaking the wheel of Samsara and completing the series of rebirths is the dream of every believer!

Varanasi panoramic photo.

Boats are of great importance in Varanasi. This is not only a way of crossing, but also a way of earning money for local residents; they take tourists on rides along the Ganges. The cost per hour is approximately 150 rupees in 2012.

Funeral firewood on the banks of the Ganges at Manikarnika Ghat. Manikarnika Ghat is considered one of the most sacred ghats (ghats). Cremation processes occur almost constantly. The charred remains are dumped into the river.

Mentor and student

Ritual ablutions

Indian fakir and spellcaster.

Boatman on the sacred Ganges.

The Eternal City - Varanasi (Benares, Kashi) and its skyscrapers.


Another day in the eternal city is coming to an end.

Brahman. In the evenings in Varanasi at the Dashashwamedh ghat, a mesmerizing spectacle takes place. Hindu priests - Brahmins, conduct arati.

Arati ritual. The Arati ritual is very spectacular; it is visited by a huge number of people, both Indians themselves and tourists.

Night view of Varanasi from the eastern bank of the Ganges. There are no and it is believed that there were once no buildings on the eastern bank. It is considered to be the world where Shiva transports the souls of the dead. It is believed that those lucky enough to die here complete the cycle of rebirth and death. For a devout Hindu, this is the highest good. Many people, feeling the approach of death, specially come here. There are shelters for such people in Varanasi.

Cremation processes at Manikarnika ghat continue non-stop day and night.

Manikarnika Ghat is considered the main ghat for cremations. They look askance at people with a camera there, not to mention the fact that they are free to take photos. Photography is only possible by special arrangement and for a small fee. Therefore, I had to take photographs at night from the opposite eastern bank of the Ganges.

Place: Delhi Date: January 2012.

Delhi is the capital of India, a cosmopolitan city with a thousand-year history and a population of thirteen million. Delhi is a metropolis of luxury and poverty, splendor and wretchedness, modernity and backwardness.

Qutab Minar is the tallest brick minaret in the world. Its height is 72.6 meters.

The Lotus Temple is a religious temple built with donations from Baha'is around the world.

There are a large number of temples of various religions in Delhi, including these.

Humayun's Mausoleum was built in 1565 and is the prototype of the famous Taj Mahal.

Mausoleum of Humayun.

The Hindu temple of Lakshmi Narayan is dedicated to the gods Krishna (Narayan) and his sun-faced wife Lakshmi.

Place: Goa Date: January 2010.

Goa is the most popular tourist state in India.

Paradise beach, located in the far north of Goa.

Ajuna is considered to be the most alternative beach in Goa.

According to one version, Shiva's face was carved into the rock by one of the first hippies. The face of Shiva can be seen on the Small Vagator.

Place: Hampi Date: January 2010.

Hampi is a village in the northern Indian state of Karnataka. Hampi is located in the middle of the ruins of Vijayanagara - the former capital of the Vijayanagara Empire. Hampi is home to many monuments that were once part of the ancient city.

A photo of the Virupaksha temple dedicated to Shiva was taken in the state of Karnataka, in the village of Hampi.

India is a country of bright colors, spicy spices and historical mysteries. All three of these definitions can also be applied to stunningly beautiful Indian women, who outshine everything around with their beauty. Many famous models, singers and especially actresses of Indian origin have become real stars. They all have unique beauty, sexuality and charisma.
We decided to look at exotic beauties of Indian origin.

Aishvaria Rai

The Indian actress was recognized several times as the most beautiful woman in the world, and in 1994 she won the Miss World beauty contest. Mainly filmed in India, but has several roles in Hollywood films.

Freida Pinto

The Indian actress was born in Bombay and now lives in New York. She became famous for her role in the famous film “Slumdog Millionaire,” which won eight Oscars and four Golden Globes. Frida holds a B.A. English literature, is also a professional dancer.

Malika Sherawat

A star of Bollywood cinema, the media even call her a sex symbol. Filmed mainly in India, but has taken part in a couple of international films. He holds a degree in Philosophy from Delhi University.

Samantha Ruth Prabhu

One of the most popular and highest paid actresses in India. The 28-year-old beauty with stunning figures has proven that she can act in diverse films - from comedy and drama to blockbusters.

Riya Sen

The daughter of the legendary Bengali actress Moon Moon Sen, she began at the age of 16 as a model, and quickly achieved fame and entered the cinema, perhaps due to her memorable appearance.

Anushka Sharma

An Indian rising film star, born into the family of a high-ranking army officer, she received a liberal arts education. She worked as a model from the age of 15. She became famous thanks to her leading role in the film “God Made This Couple.”

Sonali Bendre

41-year-old famous Indian actress and model. She was one of the judges on the TV show “India's Got Talent”. Even though she stopped acting and appearing on television for some time, she is still one of the most famous women in the country.

Sunny Leone

Canadian actress of Indian origin. She is best known, of course, for starring in porn films. She started out as a model for magazines such as Penthouse and Hustler. Currently acting in feature films in India.

Sonam Kapoor

Born into the family of a famous actor and model. She starred in the video for the British band Coldplay and singer Beyonce for the song Hymn for the Weekend.

Chitrangada Singh

The Indian actress works mainly in Bollywood. She started out as a model, and was noticed thanks to a video where she sings and dances well. By the way, Chitrangada is direct proof that some women are getting older - the actress is almost 40 years old.

Katrina Kaif

Indian model and actress. She was born in Hong Kong to a Kashmiri father and a British mother. She traveled a lot around the world with her family and began her modeling career at the age of 14. Since 2003 she began acting in India.

Alia Bhatt

22-year-old rising star of Indian cinema. Acting since childhood, Alia also sings in her films and has appeared on the covers of many magazines.

Priyanka Chopra

Indian model and actress, also winner of the Miss World 2000 title. Now she can be seen in the American series “Quantico”, and in 2017 in the remake of the famous series “Baywatch”, where you can admire the beauty’s chic forms.

Padma Lakshmi

American model and TV presenter, born in India but raised in the USA. She became the first model of Indian origin to successfully work in New York, Paris and Milan. She also acted in films and is now known as the author of several cookbooks.
